I remember the slow devolution of the Written Review. I remember when they handed the questions out during the meeting, but I don't remember other people grading the test. I remember the review was pretty often back then. Every 2 months I think? I seem to remember that you weren't allowed to use any publication other than the Bible during the test. There were written answers and multiple choice questions where you had to circle the right scripture. Then I remember when the question sheet started coming with the KM as an insert and you could study ahead of time. The school overseer would read off the right answers after time was up and everyone graded their own test. God, even thinking about all these years later makes me remember the unique smell of the KM paper.
Then they reduced the number of times a year to I think every 6 months? And the test got smaller and smaller. Then it turned into just another lame question-answer session for the "Oral Review". Then... poof. Gone. Just like everything else unique and interesting they used to do.