I agree with Freddo. The 1995 change was really the moment that the Society transformed away from what Rutherford and Knorr setup, into what it is now. Prior to that, there was always a sense of purpose and direction. That everyone was charging ahead with a feeling of urgency and there was still some sense of excitement, because The End was coming Real Soon Now.
After the death of Franz, and the subsequent re-imagining of the "generation", everything just stalled. It was obvious they had no idea what to do next. The only "ideas man" who could come up with wacky interpretations of prophecies to keep people excited was dead and no one was stepping up to replace him. None of the predictions or expectations that they had been talking up for so long had come true. Even after the 1975 fiasco, they still always had the "generation" to fall back onto to keep some kind of deadline that kept everyone motivated. But now that was gone, and none of the litany of things that had to happen prior to the big A had even come close to happening. There wasn't even a King of the North anymore.
It was at that point that you started seeing less and less "deep" study articles on prophecy. The last big one that I remember studying was right around 94-95. The articles instead got fluffier and fluffier. Same handful of topics over and over. Obey the elders. Love your family. Stay away from porn.
The more recent "adjustment" of the generation teaching was an attempt to try and rekindle that feeling of urgency, but it's completely fallen flat. Mostly because the majority of Witnesses can't even explain what the teaching actually is, since it defies all logic and reason.
1995 was the end of an era, and Society has basically been treading water in the 20 years since. How long can they keep it up? Who knows.