JoinedPosts by Fencing
Babies Who Are Not Dead From An Abortion
by minimus ina woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
Babies Who Are Not Dead From An Abortion
by minimus ina woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
I heard that the Dems fought for the South in the American Civil War. True or false?
Was I not clear on the political party alignment prior to the Civil Rights movement? It seemed like I was, when I stated that the South was Democratic for a long, long time? Technically, no political parties fought for the South, as the Confederacy didn't actually recognize any political parties at all, and the predominant view was that they were not worth it and were a corruption of Republican government (the system of government, not the political party). A lot of the Confederate Congress were formerly Southern Democrats, as that was the the status quo pre-Civil War.
The national party started to fracture with the lead-up to the Civil War. Southern Democrats were almost entirely pro-slavery, while Northern ones started to split with the South. In fact, at one point in 1860, Southern and Northern Dems actually nominated different candidates.
Here's a pretty detailed article on Southern Democrats as a bloc and their defense of slavery, through New Deal and Civil Rights, leading to the eventual shift of white, conservative voters to a solid Republican bloc in the South, with more liberal voters, along with almost all minorities, switching to a Democratic vote. With some old-timer white conservatives still clinging to the Democratic party name, nationally, into the 90s.
Babies Who Are Not Dead From An Abortion
by minimus ina woman gets an abortion.
the baby is supposed to die because of the abortion but doesn’t.
should that living baby be put to death or should the baby be given medical help to survive?.
I love it when people ignore the complete polar shift in social ideologies between the parties that happened in the middle part of the last century. Particularly because the poster Simon was replying to specifically singled out "conservatives" and "liberals" - ideologies, not parties. Yet Simon, in his reply, ignores that and immediately tries to shift it to "Republican" and "Democrat" - meaningless designations without the context of ideologies. It's one of the most intellectually dishonest debate tactics you'll see conservatives use when they get uncomfortable with discussing past positions that conservative viewpoints espoused.
Yes, the South, for a very long time, voted Democrat, and Lincoln was a Republican. Is everyone just going to ignore that, when LBJ picked up the Civil Rights movement as a Democratic platform, that the Republicans swooped in to picked up disaffected bigots in the South? The Democratic party shifted far more socially liberal over the next couple decades, while the Republicans went the other direction, embraced the bigots who didn't like that the Democratic party had shifted underneath them - particularly on issues like giving blacks equal rights - and strengthened their base substantially.
Interestingly enough, religious objection to abortion wasn't quite a major thing until right around the same time - the late 60s and early 70s. Even evangelical views on it were varied and complex, until the so-called "Moral Majority" solidified and weaponized it as a wedge issue to drive voters to the polls.
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Baker Who Refused to Bake Cake for Gay Couple
by Simon inseems like such an obviously correct decision to overturn the previous overreach - it should never have been necessary to go to the supreme court but happened because the rights of the religious were being ignored.. as the fundamental level, no one should be able to compel you to work for them or to provide services that go against your beliefs, and certainly not have the government be able to force you to comply.. if this was allowed there would be so many unreconcilable situations that would clog up courts over nonsense.. i also have little patience for these activists that intentionally look to be offended.
it really doesn't do their cause any good to go round looking to make trouble for people.
it's also misguided because it ends up strengthening religious rights over effectively stupid issues.. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/us/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-baker-who-turned-away-gay-couple.html.
What really happened around 1918 when WT leaders were imprisoned?
by dubstepped ini had never thought about this until just now when i saw that nathan natas posted some early tract from rutherford, and it made me think back to what little i could remember of the history i was taught.
i now know that in most cases the dubs will spin stories in their favor.
so i'm now assuming i was told some fictitious story about what happened when the leaders were thrown in prison and things looked bleak for the cult way back when.
Rutherford & Co were prosecuted under the Espionage Act. The specific charge was interfering with the ability of the United States to raise an army during wartime.
At issue were a few pages from the book, The Finished MysteryAnother tidbit that the Society doesn't like to publish, which can been gleaned from the transcripts, is that Rutherford and the Society actually cowered, and removed the offending pages from already-published copies of the book. Hardly the shining example of boldly proclaiming the truth in the face of persecution from Satan's system.
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The political left, perfectly captured in one short video exchange
by Simon inthis perfectly encapsulates the behaviour and opinions of the left and dave rubin nails it - "you're not oppressed, you're entitled".. lots of of shouting and claims of being denied rights to speak but nothing really to say when given a mic, just endless shouting and baseless confused claims about 'free speech'.
hey, some blm bitches try and get in on it too because, why not.. constant "i have a question, i have a question ..." as though she isn't allowed to ask it when the reality is she really has nothing to say, she just wants to stop other people being able to talk.
what a stupid cunt.. sadly, the left is indoctrinating a generation to think that *this* is what political discourse and "taking a stand" is.
Yes, I am definitely far more concerned about a bunch of entitled, whiny college kids complaining and protesting with a microphone than I am about a violent, armed, nationalist, neo-Nazi movement gaining power and legitimacy through actually gaining a foothold at the highest levels of American government.
Thanks for bringing this dangerous scourge to our attention.
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I was quite tolerant of this guy until now
by never a jw inpresident trump is definitely a demagogue, a populist, and not a great extemporaneous speaker, just to mention few of his more conspicuous flaws.
however, i was going along because "it's the economy stupid".
now that has changed.
Hollow earth
by Jrjw ini thought the flat earth conspiracy theory was strange but ive just read an article about a new conspiracy theory that the earth is hollow and that its a paradise there and 8 foot tall intellectually advanced aliens live there who send space ships out every so often to check on mankind.
apparently lost viking colonies and nazis that fled there after world war 2 are living there immortally 🤣🤣 .
this world just gets better and better 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Hollow earth
by Jrjw ini thought the flat earth conspiracy theory was strange but ive just read an article about a new conspiracy theory that the earth is hollow and that its a paradise there and 8 foot tall intellectually advanced aliens live there who send space ships out every so often to check on mankind.
apparently lost viking colonies and nazis that fled there after world war 2 are living there immortally 🤣🤣 .
this world just gets better and better 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Hey, I came across this theory that at some point Real Soon Now, the world as we know it is going to end, 144,000 people will end up being transformed into inter-dimensional energy beings, and then the planet itself will be transformed into the ideal human habitat.
Sounds far fetched, I know, but I really think people should check it out.
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2005 Big Announcement (Disappointment)
by Fred Franztone ini remember around 2005, there was an announcement made from the platform that in a few weeks time we would have to remain at the end of the sunday meeting for a big announcement, directly from the society.. i remember all the murmuring, people thought maybe this was going to be related to armageddon.
everyone was excited, people were speculating.
only the po in each congregation had any idea what was going on, and they were frequently pestered for information, but sworn to secrecy, which only hyped things up even more.. then the meeting came, anticipation was in the air, the announcement started, you could hear a pin drop.
Wasn't this around the time when the WTS switched from shunning the internet as being deplorable, to telling all to start using jw.org? And gradually promoted their web site only.
That came a little later. I remember the internet, and particularly social media, being openly advised against well into 2007 or so. It was around the time I had pretty much stopped going, but there was a KM article decrying the evils of MySpace and the like.