I think that teaching there is no Spirit of God is powerful for driving inexperienced ones away from God.
Ummmm...it's usually an experienced individual (Christian for many years) that turns away from a belief in god/gods.
do they both lead people away from god?.
I think that teaching there is no Spirit of God is powerful for driving inexperienced ones away from God.
Ummmm...it's usually an experienced individual (Christian for many years) that turns away from a belief in god/gods.
there is a really good movie called master and commander: the far side of the world starring russell crowe and paul bettany.
the setting is a ship at sea in the early 19th century.
crowe plays the captain of the ship, a man of faith, and bettany plays a physcian who studies the world around him.
I actually don't find it oppressive that science has told me that if I sail off into the horizon, I'm not going to fall of the edge of the world.
this has been bugging me for a while, and while i dont want to turn this into something about semantics i think that we should quickly define what an agnostic and atheists are.. richard dawkins defines 7 different types of atheist ranging from weak to militant atheists, but along these definitions there appears one definition with a strong resemblance to agnosticism.. to me an agnostic is a person who neither believes nor disbelieves in deity/deities, but there are those who define agnostics as a ignorant who simply just don't care or don't have the intelligence to come to sound conclusion.. an atheist can be a person who disbelieves in a deity/deities based on the current mathematical and scientific understandings of the universe, as well as understandings that can refute certain religions such as the strong influence of protestantism christianity in america.. .
from here i will refer deity as anything ranging jehovah to a real spaghetti monster, it's not important because a) we dont know b)for the purpose of this discussion it is not important to define what we believe god to be.. an argument that can be used about a deity is -we cannot prove nor disprove that god exists- this is referred to as a null hypothesis, an assumption that we cannot create a hypothesis to prove or disprove this deity.
this to me is agnosticism and is more correct than the idea of atheism.
so your evidence to disprove god is through a lack of evidence? hypothetically, it would be a great injustice if someone received the death penalty through a court system that the decision was established through a lack of evidence, how is this any diferent from your no god claim?
Because no reasonable judicial system would ever sentence an individual to death predicated on a lack of evidence. I'll let you figure out the flawed thinking with your hypothetical question.
greetings my fellow fans of the frozen pond and old-time hockey.. it's time for the playoffs beard!.
so let's pick 'em.
who will be drinking from lord stanley's mug this year?
xchange : Didn't know you lived in Van. I'm not too far away, just up the Sunshine Coast. As for Luo, he will have a really bad game. Always does. I'm hoping it is Game 6 in the Finals vs. the Pens.
unshackled: Love the Sunshine Coast. Have a place in Secret Cove that I go to often especially by bike.
Lu played very well last night and concur with most sport analysts that stated he was the best Canuck player of the night. So no meltdown yet.
How about that offside goal by Philly? Yikes!
greetings my fellow fans of the frozen pond and old-time hockey.. it's time for the playoffs beard!.
so let's pick 'em.
who will be drinking from lord stanley's mug this year?
Well, I'm a Vancouverite so obviously I'm going for the Canucks. And living only mere minutes from Rogers Arena, it's safe to say it's gonna be a fun ride to the finals.
I agree that it's going to be Pittsburgh and Vanny in the finals. My opinionated, biased and uneducated prediction is Vancouver in 7 based only on the fact that I've been a fan of the Canucks for decades (and they also won the President's Cup AND they're pretty good too).
Game one tonight against LA and absolutely pumped not only for tonight but all the teams in the playoff. One more prediction, once Lu has a really bad game, he'll be yanked and replaced with Schneider for the duration unless he gets injured.
just caught this short video of christopher hitchens in a debate involving religious theology and i thought.
how close it came to the jw theology and its own inherent sociological and psychological damage that it causes.
And for the first time in human history we have a method to explore truth that actually works. - Cofty
And in such a short relative time look how far we've come!!!! Makes one wonder about the scientific process. It's actually INTERESTED in attainable and practical knowledge!
hello everybody, so i've been out of the wt for almost a year now.
i did go to the memorial last year, but that was pretty much the last meeting i attended.
thing is, as a born-in, i have never missed one, this will be the first.. don't get me wrong, i have absolutely no desire to go back, but after all these years there's a weird feeling about it.
Watch hockey instead. If you're going to watch things get 'passed' around, might as well be a puck!!!
i just had a message from my friend.. told me to tell you all.
he loves ya!!!!!
oh you dont know my friend??
Ya know, if people just got out a litte more and did some skiing....just sayin'.
i just had a message from my friend.. told me to tell you all.
he loves ya!!!!!
oh you dont know my friend??
I just thought I might get a skiing partner today and a free beer. Didn't read anymore into it than that. Or should I have been pissed he didn't show up??
i just had a message from my friend.. told me to tell you all.
he loves ya!!!!!
oh you dont know my friend??
Sigh. I didn't see him on any of the runs on Whistler. Wait....could have been one of them pesky snowboarders. I don't keep company with the likes of them.
(continues to drink beer in the Village and wait for Jesus)