Any ideas on what 'new' publications they might be releasing this year? I understand that the 2-part of the DVD series about the origins of JWs is due this year, any other ideas? Any insider tips from someone who is still 'active' on the inside? My uncle is a JW, but he's been inactive for YEARS, and he remains so. He attends the Memorial one per year, and that's about the only time you'll see him inside of the Kingdom Hall.
JoinedPosts by witnessofjesus
2011 "Let God's Kingdom Come!" District Convention Program
by witnessofjesus in9:30 song no.
10:50 song no.
12:10 song no.
2011 "Let God's Kingdom Come!" District Convention Program
by witnessofjesus in9:30 song no.
10:50 song no.
12:10 song no.
I'm not a JW, but it looks like they're targeting you 'apostates' in Day 2, as "Enemies of the Kingdom", are they saying that the WTB&TS is the Kingdom? I'm certain you're not enemies of the actual Kingdom of God, only of the WTB&TS correct? They really are putting down a hamper on their members, and I feel so sorry for you folks. I'm glad I never became one of you, or them, and I'm so grateful that I never will. Life is hard enough, without a slave driver organization making it harder through subtle mind games and brain washing. Wow! I'm happy to be a Witness OF and FOR Jesus Christ, the real Jehovah of the Bible. Notice Acts 1:8 doesn't say that Christ's followers would be witnesses of Jehovah, but of Jesus, reread it in your own Bible, has anyone ever asked their local leaders why this is so? Jesus is Jehovah, the God of the Old Testament became the Savior of the New. Just my take on matters...God bless you all as you strive to leave this organization with, or without, your families intact. It's so sad that Satan is using this organization to tear families apart, but it's happening.
2011 "Let God's Kingdom Come!" District Convention Program
by witnessofjesus in9:30 song no.
10:50 song no.
12:10 song no.
SUNDAY - "There Will Be Richly Supplied to You the Entrance Into the Everlasting Kingdom"—2 Peter 1:11
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 109 and Prayer
9:40 Symposium: Appreciating the Messianic King's Appealing Personality
11:00 Song No. 99 and Announcements
11:10 Public Bible Discourse: Will Humans Ruin This Earth?
11:40 Summary of The Watchtower
12:10 Song No. 133 and Intermission
1:30 Music
1:40 Song No. 69
1:45 DRAMA: Young Ones—Be Discreet and Wise
2:45 Song No. 64 and Announcements
2:55 God's Kingdom Will Crush All Other Kingdoms —When?
3:40 Song No. 2 and Closing Prayer
2011 "Let God's Kingdom Come!" District Convention Program
by witnessofjesus in9:30 song no.
10:50 song no.
12:10 song no.
SATURDAY - "Keep On . . . Seeking First the Kingdom and His Righteousness"— Matthew 6:33
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 93 and Prayer
9:40 "Let Your Light Shine"!
10:00 Symposium: Kingdom Illustrations —How They Affect Your Ministry
The Mustard Grain
The Leaven
The Merchant
The Sower Who Sleeps
The Dragnet
The Prodigal Son
11:00 Song No. 40 and Announcements
11:10 Seek the Kingdom, Not Things
11:30 "Come . . . Inherit the Kingdom"
12:00 Song No. 59 and Intermission
1:25 Music
1:35 Song No.24
1:40 "Keep Your Minds Fixed on the Things Above"
2:00 Symposium: Beware of Enemies of the Kingdom!
Satan and the Demons
Babylon the Great
Our Imperfect Flesh
2:45 Song No. 89 and Announcements
2:55 Parents—Shepherd Your Children Toward Kingdom Blessings
3:15 DRAMA: "These Words . . . Must Prove to Be on Your Heart"
4:20 Are You Behaving as a Kingdom Citizen?
4:55 Song No. 134 and Closing Prayer
2011 "Let God's Kingdom Come!" District Convention Program
by witnessofjesus in9:30 song no.
10:50 song no.
12:10 song no.
FRIDAY - "The Kingdom of the Heavens Has Drawn Near" —Matthew 4:17
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 5 and Prayer
9:40 Chairman's Address: Why We Need God's Kingdom to Come
10:10 How We Know That God's Kingdom Will Come Soon
10:30 "We Must Enter Into the Kingdom . . . Through Many Tribulations"
10:50 Song No. 18 and Announcements
11:00 Symposium: How Covenants Relate to the Kingdom
Jehovah's Purpose Is Challenged
Covenants That Identify the Seed
Leading God's People to the Solution
The Complete Solution
11:40 Keynote Address: Who Are Preaching the "Good News of the Kingdom"?
12:10 Song No. 31 and Intermission
1:50 Music
2:00 Song No. 30
2:05 Questions About the Kingdom Answered
2:25 Will You Make Sacrifices for the Kingdom?
2:45 A True Story That Inspires Hope
3:15 Song No. 86 and Announcements
3:25 Symposium: Jesus' Miracles Portend Rich Kingdom Blessings!
"You Have Reserved the Fine Wine Until Now"
"All Ate and Were Satisfied"
"He Cured All Who Were Faring Badly"
"Lazarus, Come On Out!"
"A Great Calm Set In"
"He Himself Knew What Was in Man"
4:25 What Will Go When God's Kingdom Comes?
4:55 Song No. 19 and Closing Prayer
Is May 21st the Judgement Day?
by witnessofjesus inwhat you need to know about date setting by dr. h.l.
willmington .
no doubt one of the most anticipated day thus far in this century was friday, april 29, when william and kate were married at westminster abbey in london.
What You Need to Know About Date Setting by Dr. H.L. Willmington
No doubt one of the most anticipated day thus far in this century was Friday, April 29, when William and Kate were married at Westminster Abbey in London. Literally hundreds of millions viewed this around the world. But according to an 89-year old former civil engineer by the name of Harold Camping , there is another day that, in his opinion, will be more significant than any other in all of human history! On that day, Saturday, May 21, 2011, at 6:00 PM sharp Pacific Standard Time, Jesus Himself will return and the Rapture will occur! His, of course, is only one of many false prophecies in regard to Jesus' return. He also predicted the same thing in 1994. Click here to find out more.
Past False Prophecies
2800 B.C.: The oldest surviving prediction of the world's imminent demise was found inscribed upon an Assyrian clay tablet which stated, “Our earth is degenerate in these latter days . There are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end. Bribery and corruption are common.” Wherever more than two people over 30 are gathered together, expect to hear remarkably similar sentiments.
Second Century A.D.: The Montanists, founded around A.D. 155 by a man called Montanus, were perhaps the first recognizable Christian end-of-the-world cult. They believed that Christ's triumphant return was imminent and established a base in Anatolia (699 A.D), central Turkey, where they anxiously waited for doomsday.
1284: Pope Innocent III predicted Christ's second coming would occur in this year. He based his prediction on the date of the inception of the Muslim faith, then added 666 years to that.
February 1, 1524: Panicked by predictions made by a group of London astrologers, some 20,000 people abandoned their homes and fled to high ground in anticipation of a second great flood that was predicted to start from the Thames.
1556: Martin Luther felt this might be the year.
1715: Isaac Newton thought Christ would return.
1792: Shakers predicted the end of the world.
1914: Jehovah's Witnesses have set several dates for the prophetic end-1914, 1915, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975, and 1994.
1844: Baptist preacher William Miller predicted Jesus would return to upstate New York on October 22 , 1844. This became known in American history as the “ Great Disappointment .”
1988: There was even a major book titled 88 Reasons Why Christ Will Return in 1988, by Edgar Whisenant. The following year he published 89 Reasons Why Christ Will Return in 1989, claiming to have been slightly off on his calculations. Make that twice.
Well, how does God view all this nonsense? Actually, His Son provided the answer some 2,000 years ago!- Matt. 25:13, ESV
“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” - Mark 13:32, 33
“But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven , nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.”
By the way, the Father already has that day marked on His heavenly calendar!
- Acts 17:31 , ESV
“Because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”
Copyright©2011 Dr. H. L. Willmington Founder & Dean, Willmington School of the Bible Founder & Dean, Liberty Home Bible Institute Liberty University
- Matt. 25:13, ESV
Undercover apostates...
by Maze ini've observed some forum users here that claim to be active witnesses (even claims to be ministerial servants or elders) while duplicitously supporting apostates online.
my contention is this; why attend meetings and/or participate in the preaching activity when the second you divulge your apostate thinking into the congregation, you'll be disfellowshipped?
while this action taken may seem to be harsh, the outworking of events wouldn't be much different in one of christendom's churches.
I'm thankful for your 'apostates', youv'e kept me from making the mistake of becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses, for I am not one of them, but am a Mormon, and I couldn't be happier. My church isn't perfect either, but at least we don't practice the art of shunning, and so families are not broken up should one choose to leave the LDS church for what they deem to be greener pastures. Let them go, we'll be hear waiting for them when they come back. To find out more about my faith, please visit, or to visit local Church services to learn more, find the location nearest your home at
Pray for our Brothers in Japan
by doubtful inthis is my first post.
the first portion is my story, and toward the end, you will find the section pertinent to the title of this thread.
(starting with the portion in bold print).
Zero and others here who have left the baby and the bath water,
God is not just a myth, now you may reason Him so due to the abuse you've experienced at the hands of the WTS, and for that, it is sad. However, I wish to assure you that God does not hold your reactions against you, but He does exists, and you know that He does, but for now, you need a 'break' from the 'authority' and 'control' in your life, and for that I cannot blame you.
Whatever you do, do the best you can and do good to others, and make the best of your life AFTER the WTS. I know it can be painful, but always be assured of God's love for you, that He is not the monster that was painted out to you, nor does he force you to read magazines upon magazines to discover Who He is, and that in the coming days you will eventually meet with Him and He will teach you of His real ways, and that we shall all walk in His ways and be joyful and content therein, not as members of a religious sect, but as free agents under a loving God and Father of us all.
Don't give up hope, life is truly like a shining light that does indeed get brigther and brighter, just live it to the full and don't regret what you have lived, learn from it, and move on.
When Sects are Cults
by Lunatic Faith ini know this is a long post and i'm sorry.
but this is a paper i wrote for my sociology final this term.
i was supposed to look at some aspect of my life sociologically.
I don't find that science or philosophy conflict with the Bible's treachings at all. I will say that the Witnesses have the 'basics' right, at least some of the basics right. I enjoy the study of science and philosophy and I'm hoping to complete my Master's degree in the next few years via an online University, found on the web at
Yes, I've heard that elders and MS could be removed if they permitted their children to attend colleges and didn't have them 'under control', thus misusing the Scriptural qualification's in Timothy against these who didn't have in subjection their children. How sad, I hope this is not the case.
It is when the WTS attempts to control the lives of it's adherents is where I disagree with its methods and concepts, especially since they're so vague and always changing. In my opinion, a truth is a truth is a truth, newer 'light' doesn't replace older light or older truths, but only shines more brightly upon them making those older truths that much more understood and appreciated, not replacing them and doing the 'flip flop' technique that lots of policitians of today do.
Rest assured that God will hold accountable those at the WTS who are 'in charge' and that He will judge them righteously and mercifully, as they're just probably dupes of the same old system just like most of you were, or are, I'm sure most in today's GB were raised as JWs, and that most of them are 4th, 5th or even 6th generation JWs and so if they're doing evil, unknowingly, I do not believe God will hold that to their charge, but he will judge those and they will be dealt with both mercifully and to their everlasting benefit. Why the emphasis on the 'anointed' so much? Most of the other Bible student groups that broke off from the WTS in 1917 still exist, and most of them still use the books as published by C.T. Russell and most of them believe that the last of the 144,000 died back in the 1950s, and that since then, the Youthful Worthy class, another class they came up with from the Scriptures, is in charge now, and that these are almost dead as well, at which time, according to them the Consecrated Ephiphany Campers, another class they came up with from where I do not know, will take the lead amongst the Bible students association. They still have annual Conventions and International Conventions just like the JWs do, but they're not under any organizational authority to conform to such and such, and they celebrate Christmas, New years and all the so-called 'pagan' holidays and they salute the flag and serve in the military...they rest in the thougth that Jesus died for ALL MEN, including Adam and that this life is not the only chance one has at 'getting saved', but that that work is left for the Millenial Reign of Christ and His Church in the Kingdom that is coming. They set no dates, they don't go around door-to-door as much as the JWs do, but they do rejoice in the work that the JWs are doing, for at least the Kingdom good news is being preached they say, but that it's not their job to do it, that's why God is using the JWs to do it for them. You might be interested to read about them at
Pray for our Brothers in Japan
by doubtful inthis is my first post.
the first portion is my story, and toward the end, you will find the section pertinent to the title of this thread.
(starting with the portion in bold print).
It's just sad to see someone bright as you throw out the baby, the Truth, with the bathwater, the BORG. Throw out the one and keep the other. You can love God apart from organized religion, millions are doing so now. The choice is yours, however.