Just in
I really enjoyed reading that. Awsom hope that is all thats left in 10 years not 25
i think so.
and i doubt it'll grow much, if at all, but i think it will still be around.. what do you think?.
Just in
I really enjoyed reading that. Awsom hope that is all thats left in 10 years not 25
i sat in on the "know your options" reading tonight, and the elder said a couple things i was wondering about:.
1. he said if a doctor says you have a high risk of dying if you refuse a blood transfusion, he is misleading you.
he said people "rarely" die from refusing a blood transfusion.
what is interesting is the fact that thier stand on blood has changed, now u can have the ingredient parts but not the whole sandwich which is still the same thing. years ago no transplants now its a personal decision one in which one may have been disfellowshiped. whether wt had a big part in bloodless surgy or not doesnt change thier past. also its clear that at times that if only a transfusion will save you life wt says you should die for your faith. wt capitilizes on the fractions to act as thier helping jws because the fact is most jws dont look into the matter to make a decision. I also think since wt isnt looking to lose more witnesses they dont follow thier own stricked rules on the matter or because it a heavy toppic even for elders. I myself would alway be nervouse that i would as an elder be called to the hospital to deal with the blood issue for a br. or sis. first and formost because the did not prepare themselves and i myself dont think i could or would understand all the medical hoopla. Many long time witness who want to do the right thing and dont understand all that medical hoopla just put down no blood no blood cause the dont understand the fraction stuff, and affraid to take blood and sin..
my oppinion is like most normal people if i can do with no blood and or take a fraction that just makes sense and it would have happened with or without jws help. there are so many variables. No one should be judged either way but is best for us in any and before if possible medical situation to be as informed as possible .
i got this from a file called flip flops i believe a leonard r miller it sapose to come from the 1954 walsh trial transcript and i have downloaded the 810 pages and the part looks like its from examination or cross-examination of covinton ex president and high profile lawer but i cannot find these questions and answers in those pages since that is the best evidence as i wish to help wake up my wife and mother.
any thoughts.
t. o illustrate their perceived need for organization unity in contrast with truth, the.
that into was not specific
we had visit of new co age 40 flin is the last name first time out of his area.
he is a good speaker and knows how to love bomb.
he talks so well and when he's speaking he'll stop and say now i know what your thinking and hill say it and correct it in such a loving way.
from this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/204837/2/if-you-could-ask-one-question-to-an-active-jw-to-get-them-to-open-their-mind-about-their-beliefs-what-would-it-be.
dontplaceliterature re: if you could ask one question to an active jw to get them to open their mind about their beliefs, what would it be?posted ~ 14 hours ago (1/18/2011) .
post 63 of 65. since 12/28/2010.
and then we have Me, Myself, and I
thousands of the readers of pastor russell's writings believe that he filled the office of 'that faithful and wise servant,' and that his great work was giving to the household of faith meat in due season.
his modesty and humility precluded him from openly claiming this title, but he admitted as much in private conversation - w12/1/1919 p357.
russell died in 1916 and taught that jesus' parousia had started in 1874. this would allow him to believe jesus had already identified his "faithful and discreet slave" and appointed "him over all his belongings.
my opinion even if its off tracked is jw including myself got infected by the love bomb, by attacking other religions they make themselves seem superior in slightly different word but their words are when u toot your own horn you are putting down others when u put down others your tooting your own horn. u get my point. It is sad that if u strive to have a somewhat deep detailed discussion with anyone including jws most don't want to think and that is why many of us are or were infected by lies. one can use love as a tool for selfish reasons. good can come from bad and bad can come from good if one knows how to us it to their advantage
the conference call from saturday night went great; with returning guest "jonny the bethelite".
he is making quite a stir on the conference call!.
if you missed it, the call is up on the site.. we also have a newer, simpler and user friendly site.
I also must say that listening to his comments he does sound credible and spiritual like when he talks of his concern of how the anointed are treated and makes a lot of sense
the conference call from saturday night went great; with returning guest "jonny the bethelite".
he is making quite a stir on the conference call!.
if you missed it, the call is up on the site.. we also have a newer, simpler and user friendly site.
listening to johnny he said he told them he wants to leave they said he knows to much, but suppossadly they're not aware he's the caller. however some things johnny doesn't want to say to identify himself, yet he gives enough clues about himself to be able to identify himself. like his talking about these sister, his comment that he has a small cold and well when i listen manny times while listning to him I say to myself geee i wouldn't of said that. what do u think
we had visit of new co age 40 flin is the last name first time out of his area.
he is a good speaker and knows how to love bomb.
he talks so well and when he's speaking he'll stop and say now i know what your thinking and hill say it and correct it in such a loving way.
we had visit of new co age 40 flin is the last name first time out of his area. he is a good speaker and knows how to love bomb. he talks so well and when he's speaking he'll stop and say now i know what your thinking and hill say it and correct it in such a loving way. Yah the friend are gonna fall for him hook line and sinker. He said during our 1 day we may have guy pierce a gb member speak. OOOOOOOOOOO
someong posted a sound clip i think in video format of a brother giving a talk about how bad things were gonna be when jah destroys everyone then he mentioned the generation and said we should not have been touching that teaching even the apostles didn't this was a talk in 2007 think he was in bethel and might have been the brother that represented wt in the u.n. fiasco and the library card thing.
anyway id like to get that video comment of this brother and save it cause hell what he said 3 years ago about the generation teaching and now they touch on it again is powerful .
thank u in advance for your help.
thank u both for your assistance