Today I turned in my field service time for May. I believe its my 6th month of zero time (seems like a year) so on my time slip I put my name, month and wrote in INACTIVE. I told my wife she just said I was crazy.
today i turned in my field service time for may.
i believe its my 6th month of zero time (seems like a year) so on my time slip i put my name, month and wrote in inactive.
i told my wife she just said i was crazy.. .
Today I turned in my field service time for May. I believe its my 6th month of zero time (seems like a year) so on my time slip I put my name, month and wrote in INACTIVE. I told my wife she just said I was crazy.
today's wt lesson: serving jehovah with all seriousness, excerpt from paragraph 11:.
"if a brother has been baptized at least one year and to a reasonable degree meets the scriptural qualifications for ministerial servants outlined at 1 timothy 3:8-13, he can be recommended for appointment.".
how often have you seen someone become a ministerial servant one year after baptism?
I was not a born in but while studying and took about a year, though i knew the (truth?) I have always showed love to the friends, always early for meetings, and did average 7-10 hrs a month. Baptised in 94 and appointed a year to a year and next co visit. Why? Cause I was a good boy.
anonymous brother does it again!
(huge round of applause!!!
This is stated on page 9 the bible dont say this j
ehovah showed Adam and Eve one fruit tree in the garden and told them that if they ate from it, they would die.
*** w69 5/15 p. 304 par. 8 Crushing All Nations in Our Day by God’s Kingdom ***What possible significance could the ten toes have?These picture all the coexisting powers and governments on earth today, since the number ten is a Biblical number symbolizing earthly completeness. So the dream image relates to our day indeed! We should keep in mind that this image did not become static with the appearance of the final world power. The image had to keep on developing in order to include the weakening influence of the socialistic, democratic elements against the imperial, dictatorial powers of this world. Ever since 1914 the weakening influence of democracy and socialism has gone forward particularly against that part of the iron feet of the image represented by "the king of the north."The ten toes of the image picture all the nations, not merely those that have thus far gained admission to the U.N. At this stage comes the dramatic climax of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The prophet Daniel continues his interpretation; his words have vital meaning for our day:
*** w75 12/15 pp. 743-744 Christendom’s "Holy Place" Soon to Be Desolated ***According to Revelation 17:12, the "ten horns" are "ten kings." Ten being a number of completeness in the symbolic language of the Bible (comparable to ten toes and ten fingers), a complete number of earthly rulers, not a minority, will turn against the religions of Christendom and the rest of "Babylon the Great." But not just the symbolic "ten kings" will take such aggressive action. The entire organization represented by the "scarlet-colored wild beast" (the United Nations) will do so.
*** w78 6/15 p. 13 Human Governments Crushed by God’s Kingdom ***There does not appear to be any prophetic significance to the image’s having ten toes. This is a natural human feature, just as the image has two arms, two legs, and so forth.
The British Empire developed as a monarchy and continued to manifest many of the ironlike traits of the old Roman Empire. And while the 13 American colonies rebelled against the British Empire, the government of the United States of America has really come to be an extension of the conservative or iron-type rule, and this power has been closely allied with the British government in world affairs. Hence, as we trace the development of worldpowerthrough the image and down into the feet and toes, we can see how the Anglo-American World Power must be included in the “iron.” Well along into the time of the end, it is still the world power, even though strong competitors have emerged .
*** it-1 p. 1187 Image ***The mixture of iron and clay in the toes of the great image graphically illustrates the condition due to be manifest in the final expression of political world domination. Clay is elsewhere used metaphorically in the Scriptures to stand for fleshly men, made of the dust of the earth. (Job 10:9; Isa 29:16; Ro 9:20, 21) Daniel’s interpretation thus appears to equate the clay with "the offspring of mankind," the mixing in of which produces fragility in that which is symbolized by the image’s ten toes. This points to a weakening and a lack of cohesion in the ironlike strength of the final form of world domination by earthly kingdoms. (Da 2:41-43) The common man would wield greater influence in affairs of government. " Ten" being used consistently in the Bible to express completeness (see NUMBER, NUMERAL), the ten toes apparently represent the entire global system of rulership at the time when God’s Kingdom is established and takes action against the worldly powers .—Compare R e 17:12-14.
*** w85 7/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Various views have been expressed about the ten "toes."But!since "ten" is often used in the Bible to signify completeness as to things on earth, the ten "toes" appear logically to represent the entire global system of rulership at the culmination of the days. It is against the feet and toes of the image that ‘God’s Kingdom comes,’ grinding to powder the final manifestations of man-rule. How happy we can be that the peaceful, prosperous rule of Christ’s Kingdom will then fill the entire earth!—Matthew 6:9, 10; compare Isaiah 11:1, 9.