Thank you, Amazing. A few days ago I was looking for answers about how one knows whether s/he is of the "anointed." This Watch Tower article seems to explain it well. I can't believe any person with reasonable intelligence would buy this idea.
Posts by Kathy
1952 WT - Official Policy on Anointed
by Amazing inthis is a must read: the following is taken from the january 15, 1952 watchtower, pages 63 and 64. it is the most cmpassionate, kind, and detailed article i ever found on the topic of how jws know they are anointed.
the article even encourages jws to consider'partaking of the emblems' at the memorial.
it is the 'final article' that gave me the 'courage' to openly declare my hope as one of the anointed.
by Kathy ini hope you'll indulge me for a few minutes here.
i've been reading this board with great enthusiasm for a few weeks now.
i must say i am so impressed by the depth and breadth of experiences all of you are sharing.
To everyone: Thank you!!! You are right. Although I personally believe the trinity (because I choose to, based on what I've read, and also because it makes me feel good), there is no reason to argue it. It is not a life or death situation. As was pointed out, who cares!!??? No one died BECAUSE they believed in it. I also appreciate the view that our salvation does not depend on it. So where does that leave me? I'm not sure.... I'll keep trying. Incindentally, I'm halfway through "Crisis of Conscience." Wow, incedible. I better give this book to our sister soon. Thanks again!
Rutherford's Parting Shot
by Farkel inanyone who's informed about the honorable joseph franklin rutherford knew what a jerk he was in life, but the creator in his infinite humor also wanted his death to remind us that whenever we fondly think of da judge, one word will always come to our mind: that word is "asshole.".
here's "indisputable" proof:
I'm sorry, but I am laughing so hard at this thread. My father was treated successfully for colon cancer 6 years ago. We are grateful for his recovery. And I DO remember the sorrow we felt at possibly losing him. But I still think it's okay to make fun of someone like Rutherford.... Very, very clever, Farkel!
by Kathy ini hope you'll indulge me for a few minutes here.
i've been reading this board with great enthusiasm for a few weeks now.
i must say i am so impressed by the depth and breadth of experiences all of you are sharing.
Hello! I hope you'll indulge me for a few minutes here. I've been reading this board with great enthusiasm for a few weeks now. I must say I am so impressed by the depth and breadth of experiences all of you are sharing. What an amazing group of people you are. What also strikes me is that there are so many websites like this devoted to helping Jehovah's Witnesses recover. I'm sooooo thankful I don't need to recover from my religious upbringing. We went to a simple protestant church that essentially taught us to "love our neighbor." Some people would say this was pretty bogus, but that's all right. I like to keep things simple…. God=love. That's it. I don't think I'll ever need help getting over that. I have enough other problems, as most of us do.
Earlier I asked you for advice regarding my boyfriend's sister who's attending a bible study with their Jehovah's Witness cousin. I appreciated all of your responses. Incidentally, I originally posted under the name Kitty… I'm not sure why I did that, except I was thinking I shouldn't post my real name publicly. Now, I guess I'm not going to worry and I'm not going to feel ashamed if I get "caught" trying to HELP this person! We are all in our late 30's, mid 40's… basic people with decent careers. The sister has an education degree but is currently a "stay at home mom" with two little boys, and a marriage that's a bit shaky. We believe she's reaching out for some meaning in her life.
I log in here every day, and every day I read something that I'm absolutely positive if I share it with this woman that she'll "see the light" about this organization. My boyfriend and I are becoming more and more disheartened…. She's been studying for about three months now, and despite the reams of paper we've given her, she seems to have a closed mind already.
The big hang-up for her is the Trinity. She says she can't see any good support for the belief anywhere in the bible. The problem is, for her it appears that: NO TRINITY=BELIEVE ALL JW TEACHINGS. We are diligently looking up bible verses to support the trinity, only because it seems that if she believes that, she'll give up the idea that JW's have "the truth." But actually, I think the more compelling evidence against the teachings is the role of men within the organization, and the Watchtower and Awake publications. If we want to be believers, why do we need those publications? It's so obvious to me….
We're trying to point out the ridiculousness of the "society" to her. So recently I asked the question, "How were the anointed chosen, and how did they know they were "anointed?" I have a feeling the answer should cause any person with a normal mind to have some doubts about this org.
Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself, and I hope you don't mind if I continue to ask some questions in an effort to help this woman who appears to really need it! It's coming down to the wire, and we are hoping to get through to her before she, god forbid, gets baptized! Aaarrrggggg!
Questions for the JW Experts on WTS Structure
by Kathy ini understand that "annointed ones" are no longer appointed to the governing body, because most are no longer alive.
so now, what criteria are used to appoint members to the governing body?.
what is the "chain of command" in the society from the governing body to the average jw living next door?
Thank you Maximus! Yes, I'll look forward to Amazing's challenge here. Just exactly how DO these people know they are "anointed!?" Perhaps I'D like to consider myself "anointed." Maybe not, but it's food for thought.
Questions for the JW Experts on WTS Structure
by Kathy ini understand that "annointed ones" are no longer appointed to the governing body, because most are no longer alive.
so now, what criteria are used to appoint members to the governing body?.
what is the "chain of command" in the society from the governing body to the average jw living next door?
Maximus and Amazing, please tell me who appointed and continues to appoint the "anointed." Thanks.
Questions for the JW Experts on WTS Structure
by Kathy ini understand that "annointed ones" are no longer appointed to the governing body, because most are no longer alive.
so now, what criteria are used to appoint members to the governing body?.
what is the "chain of command" in the society from the governing body to the average jw living next door?
Thanks for the replies. I'm still confused about exactly how someone becomes "anointed." Who anointed them, how did they know they were anointed, etc. Thanks.
Questions for the JW Experts on WTS Structure
by Kathy ini understand that "annointed ones" are no longer appointed to the governing body, because most are no longer alive.
so now, what criteria are used to appoint members to the governing body?.
what is the "chain of command" in the society from the governing body to the average jw living next door?
Hello, AGuest. You certainly have a lot of information. I think I'll have to read it over a couple of times to get the full gist. I've not heard God referred to the way you did. "What 'religion' are you?"
Questions for the JW Experts on WTS Structure
by Kathy ini understand that "annointed ones" are no longer appointed to the governing body, because most are no longer alive.
so now, what criteria are used to appoint members to the governing body?.
what is the "chain of command" in the society from the governing body to the average jw living next door?
Am I right that the anointed ones are the 144,000? Who were the original appointees? Do we know their names? How were they appointed? Of the 8000 or so that are apparently still around, have any of them left "the truth?" If so, and they are now apostates, who is responsible for choosing their replacement?
Questions for the JW Experts on WTS Structure
by Kathy ini understand that "annointed ones" are no longer appointed to the governing body, because most are no longer alive.
so now, what criteria are used to appoint members to the governing body?.
what is the "chain of command" in the society from the governing body to the average jw living next door?
I understand that "annointed ones" are no longer appointed to the Governing Body, because most are no longer alive. So now, what criteria are used to appoint members to the Governing Body?
What is the "chain of command" in the society from the Governing Body to the average JW living next door? I know that elders are in there somewhere, and a "circuit overseer" and a "district overseer." But what's the order?