They're moving to a remote location in upstate New York to make it more difficult for bethelites to find a liquor store.
Posts by Alfred
After the WTS has sold the properties in Brooklyn, will upstate NY become the new US Bethel
by insearchoftruth inor will the wts maintain a presence in brooklyn so they can continue to call it bethel?
Explain in a FEW word's why the 607 date is incorrect.
by XPeterX in"if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it wel enough" albert einstein.
OK... let me take a crack at this...
No Babilonian king was alive between 539 BCE and 537 BCE... So the 70 years of SERVITUDE ran from 609 BCE to 539 BCE... END OF STORY...
How's that for a few words???
Jesus really meant TWO OVERLAPPING GENERATIONS (not one)... Also, Jesus forgot to mention that this applies only to "annointed brothers" in high bethel positions...
Thank God we have the FDS to clarify this stuff... otherwise, we'd be completely lost.
Examples of Fredrick Franz Horrible personality.
by Witness 007 inin he's nephews book i could not believe some of the things he mentions.
when his father died fred franz told his mother he could not go to the funeral because he was just too busy at bethel.
she spoke to rutherford who ordered him to go.
I like his red plaid shirt and red tie... he probably wore it during several memorials to symbolize the blood of Christ...
They should take that picture of whacky Freddy and put in in the How-To-Dress-For-Bethel-Tour brochure.
Elder "predicts" how many jws are going to live
by XPeterX inparents went to a jw gathering to read the wt for this week.a jw said that only 5 people out of 125 in my congo will survive armageddon and then that elder said: "no,not 5 people,maybe 20".
damn i don't have words for him.
This reminds of when I was working the sound at the KH one night and the announcement was made that "brother Cigar Smoker is no longer a JW". An elder standing just a few feet from me whispered to another elder: "One down, two more to go" as if this was cause for celebration. This made me sick to my stomach... I don't know why, but that made me extremely angry for weeks.
That being said, I rarely noticed any genuine love in any of the 4 congos I've been in. Any so-called "christian love" was really just birds of a feather (pio-sneers, ass-kissers, etc.) flocking together while practically ignoring the "weak" ones or considering them "bad association" or "dangerous" to the spiritual well-being of the congo...
March 2012 Aux Pioneering
by truthlover inso far what is the response to the aux pioneering this year vs last year?.
in our cong - only 10 so far vs 52 last april.
Anyone else remember how many signed up in their congo this year (vs. 2011)? Please do share...
Thanks to all
by Socrateswannabe ini am by nature a reticent soul.
i am perfectly happy to watch from the sidelines as others debate and contest, poke, prod, and cajole one another.
as an observer, i still gain.
I'm surprized that I've never heard of this book... thanks for sharing!
Question for Dogpatch (Randy): What will it cost to produce the new 16-page Watchtower & Awake?
by Alfred inwhen literature used to be sold d2d, i remember how the society never missed an opportunity to trash other religions for "peddling god's word for profit" while boasting about how the watchtower only charges for the cost of the paper and ink.. in the book "witnesses of jehovah", the author mentioned that randall watters used to be involved in print cost analysis and determined that, while we were selling wt & awake mags for 20 cents door-to-door, it was really only costing the society 4 cents per copy to produce.
that's a whopping 400% profit!.
obviously, things have changed... the paper is different, as well as the ink and printing methods in general.
Thanks Randy. Their Billion Dollar Brooklyn sell-off reminds me of when I had to make the tough decision to dig into my 401(k) to pay for necessary expenses. They're basically taking out a loan from their own assets and paying themselves back in the form of newer facilities in Warwick, New York... I'm just not sure that these new facilities can be easily flipped at any time in the future given their remote location. But at least they'll have close to a billion dollars in cash when all is said and done... on the other hand, a billion dollars can dissapear rather quickly when you're running a worldwide empire under false pretenses... time will tell.
Attention Governing Body: October 2, 2014 is only 940 days away...
by Alfred inin 1823, john aquila brown (a man who is not mentioned in any wt publication) came up with a bizarre mathematical calculation which totalled 2,520 years (in an unauthorized attempt to predict the end of the gentile times).... several religions recycled this bizarre calculation, including the adventists and the bible students... when armageddon didn't come on the variety of early 20th century dates predicted by several "dooms-day" religions of that time (including charles taze russell's bible students who predicted that the big a would start in 1914), they all finally realized that this 2,520-year calculation was nothing more than arbitrary mathematical speculation derived from erratic biblical extrapolation.... except for the bible students who continued to move up the date for armageddon 2 more times (1918, 1925) and then decided to use wwi as the starting point for the "last days".. all the while, one thing that seems to remain intact is the october 2, 1914 date.
oddly, for the watchtower bible & tract publishing cult, this particular date still marks the end of the 2,520-year period (that john aquila brown referred to in his bizarre 1823 book "the even tide")... again, no mention of this in any watchtower publication.
but, for jws, that date still remains the starting point for the period of time often referred to as the "last days" or even "the generation that shall not pass".. because of this, the governing body has been forced to change the definition of "the generation that shall not pass" countless times since the early 1970's.
905 days remaining....
Question for Dogpatch (Randy): What will it cost to produce the new 16-page Watchtower & Awake?
by Alfred inwhen literature used to be sold d2d, i remember how the society never missed an opportunity to trash other religions for "peddling god's word for profit" while boasting about how the watchtower only charges for the cost of the paper and ink.. in the book "witnesses of jehovah", the author mentioned that randall watters used to be involved in print cost analysis and determined that, while we were selling wt & awake mags for 20 cents door-to-door, it was really only costing the society 4 cents per copy to produce.
that's a whopping 400% profit!.
obviously, things have changed... the paper is different, as well as the ink and printing methods in general.
Devil Fish ... I think you just gave the Watchtower Real Estate Investment Corporation a great idea... they should give you at least 10% of all profits that this idea will generate... You can send me half of that for bringing up this subject on this thread...