Has anyone confirmed that this was, in fact, a suicide?
Either way, having died so young, this is a terrible tragedy.
i got a text from my mom when i got into work today saying that a brother i've known for a while had died.
he was a bethelite and they found him dead in his room.
he was the same age as me.
Has anyone confirmed that this was, in fact, a suicide?
Either way, having died so young, this is a terrible tragedy.
the site of four planned towers, for 1,600 jehovah's witnesses, in hip, happening dumbo.
side by side
new york times, united states - 7 hours ago .
Besty... I guess the latest on 85 Jay Street is that it is up for sale...
no, i didn't really - but i'm anxious to hear from anyone who did!!.
what happened after the paragraph was read?
did anyone try to denounce abusing one's spouse under any circumstances, or were most answers supportive of the "advice" given to selma, i.e.
Quarterback... what footnote are you referring to? I don't see it anywhere in the article...
they are doing that article about sister selma getting the crap beat out of her to win her husband over to being a jw.
any suggestions as to the comment i should make?
i was thinking about bringing up the old awake on domestic violence and ask if there has been new light and that women should stay with their abusers..
Any husband that hits once, is bound to hit many more times... Anyone who assumes that Steve only hit Selma one time is incredibly naive...
i started a thread a few days ago that probably went unnoticed for the most part (under "scandals & cover-ups") regarding steve hitting selma in tomorrow's wt study... i just wanted to recap it here for those who may have missed it.... the spanish version changes the story completely.... if you've read that paragraph 12 it basically says that steve hit selma as she tried to prove a point.
selma then feels sorry for herself.. in the spanish version steve merely gets furious with her and she gets sad.. by the way, i just looked up the italian version... .
selma ricorda una lezione che imparo dalla sorella che le conduceva lo studio.
wha happened...
it probably wouldn't backfire as much if you show her the English Version...
i started a thread a few days ago that probably went unnoticed for the most part (under "scandals & cover-ups") regarding steve hitting selma in tomorrow's wt study... i just wanted to recap it here for those who may have missed it.... the spanish version changes the story completely.... if you've read that paragraph 12 it basically says that steve hit selma as she tried to prove a point.
selma then feels sorry for herself.. in the spanish version steve merely gets furious with her and she gets sad.. by the way, i just looked up the italian version... .
selma ricorda una lezione che imparo dalla sorella che le conduceva lo studio.
Also... I caught the subliminal WT message about wives NOT QUESTIONING THE AUTHORITY OF THEIR HUSBANDS...
This is completely omitted in the Spanish version... it is present in the Italian version though... very telling...
i started a thread a few days ago that probably went unnoticed for the most part (under "scandals & cover-ups") regarding steve hitting selma in tomorrow's wt study... i just wanted to recap it here for those who may have missed it.... the spanish version changes the story completely.... if you've read that paragraph 12 it basically says that steve hit selma as she tried to prove a point.
selma then feels sorry for herself.. in the spanish version steve merely gets furious with her and she gets sad.. by the way, i just looked up the italian version... .
selma ricorda una lezione che imparo dalla sorella che le conduceva lo studio.
I started a thread a few days ago that probably went unnoticed for the most part (under "Scandals & Cover-Ups") regarding Steve hitting Selma in tomorrow's WT Study... I just wanted to recap it here for those who may have missed it...
The Spanish Version changes the story completely...
If you've read that paragraph 12 it basically says that Steve hit Selma as she tried to prove a point. Selma then feels sorry for herself.
In the Spanish version Steve merely gets furious with her and she gets sad.
By the way, I just looked up the Italian version...
Selma ricorda una lezione che imparo dalla sorella che le conduceva lo studio. “Un giorno”, dice, “non volevo fare lo studio. Le será prima Steve mi aveva messo la mani addosso perche avevo cercato di dimostrargli che avevo ragione su una certa questione.
Translation: Selma recalls a lesson that she learned from the sister who led her study. “One day”, she said, “I didn’t want to do the study. The night before, Steve had put his hands upon me because I tried to show him that I was right about a certain issue.”
(But this is God's spirit-directed organization so this is OK...)
yearbook 2011 p.9,10 "the spiritual food like physical food needs to be well prepared....the writting department follows the pattern of "tracing all things with accuracy.
} while the internet is a quick source of information, our researchers don't rely on blogs or poorly documented web entries {you guys} written by unidentified or unqualified persons.
{or everyone on this site!!
I did some math... unless they're referring to books in pdf format, that university library with 5,000,000 books would have to contain well over 92 miles of book shelfs... that's just not possible... their BS knows no boundaries!
they changed the story in the spanish version !!!.
in the spanish version, steve does not hit selma... he merely gets "furious" with her.... 12 a ella se le quedo grabada una leccion que le enseno la testigo que le daba clases biblicas: fue un dia que no tenia ganas de estudiar.
la noche anterior habia estado discutiendo con steve y el se habia puesto furioso conmigo, asi que estaba triste y me sentia muy mal.
OTWO said: I am still glad the English printed version is the one to be studied in America.
Actually the Spanish Version will be the most widespread Watchtower being studied on Sunday in America (North, Central and South America)... English comes in at a close 2nd, Portugese 3rd.
they changed the story in the spanish version !!!.
in the spanish version, steve does not hit selma... he merely gets "furious" with her.... 12 a ella se le quedo grabada una leccion que le enseno la testigo que le daba clases biblicas: fue un dia que no tenia ganas de estudiar.
la noche anterior habia estado discutiendo con steve y el se habia puesto furioso conmigo, asi que estaba triste y me sentia muy mal.