Is this possible...... Hundreds of Posters now engaged in a petition to remove Rick from this board?
we all know the watchtower organization is now in a defensive mode.
unrelenting criticism and critical information is rapidly coming forward exposing this esoteric cult.. are their hundreds of bethelites now understanding how evil their "faithfull slave" really is?
has the revolution begun?.
Is this possible...... Hundreds of Posters now engaged in a petition to remove Rick from this board?
i'm not entirely sure why, but rick has been the biggest trigger for me.
i have said some very mean things to him that i regret and i apologize to rick for them.
but what he is doing leaves me feeling dirty and i don't even know him.
If Rick can get away with his spamming activities, than I can start promoting my wife's business on this board... (i probably won't... I'm just saying)
i called just before noon today- an elder promptly answered the phone.
i told him, " uh, memorial is tomorrow night, right?".
passover starts tomorrow night, after sundown!
(useful info when I get my next invititation to the memorial)
i don't have the stomach to read much of their literature lately, but it seems to me that every article i read was loaded with weasel words.
is this still their mo?
for an interesting set of examples, i looked up the following wikipedia article on weasel words:
Excellent post.... marking
listen in at 8pm est.
january 7, 2011... she will also be announcing her new program.. just dial 587-607-1914 when asked for pin use 1935.. note:.
Listen in at 8pm est. Sat. January 7, 2011... She will also be announcing her new program.
Just dial 587-607-1914 when asked for pin use 1935.
with "memorial season" just around the corner, i am planning to put together a small brochure (or maybe just a plain-looking document on letter-sized paper) that exposes the embarassing fact that jws still hold their "memorial" every year even though, by their own teachings, they should have had their last one in 1914. i plan to give it to the next elder who stops by to "count his time" during memorial season.
but hopefully, this will happen before they start canvassing my neighborhood since i plan to distribute it to my neighbors as well.. i've just started this morning with the following "quick draft" (but i would appreciate your comments and insight... thanks):.
jehovah's witnesses, why are you still inviting people to "the memorial"?.
Vanderhoven... I've heard that also...
(So I guess Jesus has been simply "sitting" on his throne for the last 98 years pretending to be in power until the second overlapping generation of 11,000 (and increasing) annointed ones passes away... )
with "memorial season" just around the corner, i am planning to put together a small brochure (or maybe just a plain-looking document on letter-sized paper) that exposes the embarassing fact that jws still hold their "memorial" every year even though, by their own teachings, they should have had their last one in 1914. i plan to give it to the next elder who stops by to "count his time" during memorial season.
but hopefully, this will happen before they start canvassing my neighborhood since i plan to distribute it to my neighbors as well.. i've just started this morning with the following "quick draft" (but i would appreciate your comments and insight... thanks):.
jehovah's witnesses, why are you still inviting people to "the memorial"?.
WT Wizard...
Regarding Jesus' "arrival" or coming in full glory at Armageddon, I'm still looking in my WT CD but haven't found any such statement. Could this possibly be tribal knowledge ignorance passed down from one generation to the next "overlapping" generation???
the illegal dump site in upstate ny has received quite a lot of attention lately (as well it should)... .
however, having been involved in several kh remodels, i think the wts little regard for the environment extends way beyond this dumpsite.
as some of you probably know, the workday at a kh remodel usually starts with a prayer, breakfast and a 5 minute safety talk... the safety talk was a joke (e.g.
you are correct... there are areas in the US and some developed countries where they simply can't get away with cutting corners... but when they see an opportunity to do so, they will (and they have)
with "memorial season" just around the corner, i am planning to put together a small brochure (or maybe just a plain-looking document on letter-sized paper) that exposes the embarassing fact that jws still hold their "memorial" every year even though, by their own teachings, they should have had their last one in 1914. i plan to give it to the next elder who stops by to "count his time" during memorial season.
but hopefully, this will happen before they start canvassing my neighborhood since i plan to distribute it to my neighbors as well.. i've just started this morning with the following "quick draft" (but i would appreciate your comments and insight... thanks):.
jehovah's witnesses, why are you still inviting people to "the memorial"?.
With "memorial season" just around the corner, I am planning to put together a small brochure (or maybe just a plain-looking document on letter-sized paper) that exposes the embarassing fact that JWs still hold their "Memorial" every year even though, by their own teachings, they should have had their last one in 1914. I plan to give it to the next elder who stops by to "count his time" during memorial season. But hopefully, this will happen before they start canvassing my neighborhood since I plan to distribute it to my neighbors as well.
I've just started this morning with the following "quick draft" (but I would appreciate your comments and insight... thanks):
Jehovah's Witnesses, why are you STILL inviting people to "The Memorial"?
For I received from the Lord that which I also handed on to YOU, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was going to be handed over took a loaf and, after giving thanks, he broke it and said: “This means my body which is in YOUR behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” He did likewise respecting the cup also, after he had the evening meal, saying: “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. Keep doing this, as often as YOU drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as often as YOU eat this loaf and drink this cup, YOU keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives . -1 Corinthians 11:23-26
When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne . –Matthew 25:31
Another noteworthy evidence of Jesus’ having already arrived invisibly in glory is the separation of people into two distinct groups. –Awake! July 22, 1973 page 5
“The faithful and discreet slave” cannot be one person. Why not? Because the slave began serving spiritual food back in the first century, and according to Jesus, the slave would still be doing so when the Master arrived in 1914 . –Watchtower March 1, 2004 page 8
(Note: I want to keep this a short as possible since I want to be able to capture people's attention with brief "bullet" points having high impact)
this weekend serious sources told me that in the netherlands the society is closing down all non-native congregations.
because of the mixed population of this country, there are >100 non-native congregations like english, france, dutch-caribian, arab, chinese, italian, russian, spanish etc.. my source was backing the dissision of the society because "these non-native congregations are islands on their own, with group-thinking and not allways listening to the society..." and concluded "these non-natives has to learn dutch instead of we are learning their language".. strange: some years ago many jw's learned a foreign language (like arab or chinese!
) and now they are all closing down.
I can't imagine the WT getting any significant contribution money from these foreign language congos... especially if they're full of assylum-seekers... just saying