Sir 82...
Yes... this is a pdf from I'm assuming it's been "furioso" all along in the Spanish version because they have not changed the English version (yet). But can't really say for sure...
they changed the story in the spanish version !!!.
in the spanish version, steve does not hit selma... he merely gets "furious" with her.... 12 a ella se le quedo grabada una leccion que le enseno la testigo que le daba clases biblicas: fue un dia que no tenia ganas de estudiar.
la noche anterior habia estado discutiendo con steve y el se habia puesto furioso conmigo, asi que estaba triste y me sentia muy mal.
have anyone of you read, the absolutly jaw dropping paragraph in this article about a women who was hit by her husband?
its in page 25 of the 2/15/12 wt study edition (i read the dumbed down version).. .
if there was any question, that the watchtowers stance is for wives to simply take it when their husbands abuse them, this makes it crystal clear.. who the hell is scanning these things before they go to print?
they changed the story in the spanish version !!!.
in the spanish version, steve does not hit selma... he merely gets "furious" with her.... 12 a ella se le quedo grabada una leccion que le enseno la testigo que le daba clases biblicas: fue un dia que no tenia ganas de estudiar.
la noche anterior habia estado discutiendo con steve y el se habia puesto furioso conmigo, asi que estaba triste y me sentia muy mal.
12 A ella se le quedó grabada una lección que le enseño la Testigo que le daba clases bíblicas: “Fue un día que no tenía ganas de estudiar. La noche anterior había estado discutiendo con Steve y él se había puesto furioso conmigo, así que estaba triste y me sentía muy mal. Le conté todo a la hermana, y ella me pidió que leyera 1 Corintios 13:4-7. Recuerdo que dije: ‘Steve jamás me trata con tanto cariño como dice aquí’. Ella me corrigió preguntándome: ‘Y tú, ¿le muestras amor de alguna de estas maneras?’. Yo conteste que no, que se me hacía muy difícil debido a su mal genio. Con mucha suavidad, ella me respondió: ‘Selma, ¿quién está aprendiendo a ser cristiano? ¿Steve, o tú?’. Comprendí que debía cambiar de actitud. Le pedí a Jehová que me ayudara a tratar con más amor a mi esposo. Poco a poco, las cosas fueron cambiando”. Diecisiete años después, Steve aceptola verdad.
have anyone of you read, the absolutly jaw dropping paragraph in this article about a women who was hit by her husband?
its in page 25 of the 2/15/12 wt study edition (i read the dumbed down version).. .
if there was any question, that the watchtowers stance is for wives to simply take it when their husbands abuse them, this makes it crystal clear.. who the hell is scanning these things before they go to print?
EXCELLENT CEDARS... thanks for the reminder about the Study being this SUNDAY!!!
in barbara grizzuti harrison's book visions of glory: a history and a memory of jehovah?s witnesses (which is online at -- i highly recommend it) there's an account of heartlessness at bethel that i found particularly troubling.
it's in "chapter iv.
accumulating wealth while the world refuses to die" ( and is as follows:.
Designs... I know a CO (from the 1980 fallout) who had his boxes neatly lined up along the curb... they weren't very many boxes so the bethelite who did this couldn't really count any time...
when your circuit or district overseer spoke the above statement "turn around and behold your loyal brothers and sisters, they are your real family!
some of the most outgoing elders in the kingdom halls are still lonely, sisters who put the needs of others are burned out and depressed.
so how come they don't feel the way circuit o does?
I think my biggest "wtf" moment was when a CO said that the "signs in the heavens" are mainly military satellites. he than clarified that this may also include military planes, missles, etc...
(but he didn't say "could be" or "might be"... he said that they are military satellites... mainly)
the question i have is, should i even bother?
i am not even sure why he wants to watch this particular video.
ive already seen it with my wife a few days ago and already seen how they leave a lot of details out concerning their teachings of old.
garyneal... you have a PM
remember the video of all the nice dudes who were on the governing body in the 70s?
(here's a refresher).. well this is what their lives were really like - the same as when i was there.
by the time it got to the end, all was left was chicken backs.
in barbara grizzuti harrison's book visions of glory: a history and a memory of jehovah?s witnesses (which is online at -- i highly recommend it) there's an account of heartlessness at bethel that i found particularly troubling.
it's in "chapter iv.
accumulating wealth while the world refuses to die" ( and is as follows:.
The Society wants nothing to do with older bethelites or aging career pioneers after they've outlived their usefulness... They're perfectly content kicking them to the curb or letting some generous brother or the government deal with them...
Sorry, that's not entirely accurate... they do care about the ones who might possibly have some property or cash stashed away...
my wife and i got a letter sent to me stating we are being called before a judical hearing to discuss allegations of apostasy!
we haven't gone to the meeting in 5 years.
are the jw's on a witchhunt lately?
Jim... that's what we plan to say if it ever comes up... I don't think we'll be asked because they know these went up in May...