In that case, the solution is not to match their dogmatical douchebaggery but to do what they can't do - operate without preconceptions and prejudices, and with the belief that you just might be wrong.
ok.... looking for some logical explainations.... my daughter, ali, who i've been posting about on the forum...who has developed congestive heart failure.... has had some spooky experiences lately in her house.
here are a few of the things that happened:.
about a month ago, ali and her son david, heard noises from the attic above ali's bedroom...that sounded like something was being dragged across the attic floor.
In that case, the solution is not to match their dogmatical douchebaggery but to do what they can't do - operate without preconceptions and prejudices, and with the belief that you just might be wrong.
ok.... looking for some logical explainations.... my daughter, ali, who i've been posting about on the forum...who has developed congestive heart failure.... has had some spooky experiences lately in her house.
here are a few of the things that happened:.
about a month ago, ali and her son david, heard noises from the attic above ali's bedroom...that sounded like something was being dragged across the attic floor.
What is it with the Dawkinites always have to be such sarcastic dinkers? Are y'all really arrogant enough to believe that the only reason someone could possibly disagree with you is because that person is stupid and/or nuts?
ok.... looking for some logical explainations.... my daughter, ali, who i've been posting about on the forum...who has developed congestive heart failure.... has had some spooky experiences lately in her house.
here are a few of the things that happened:.
about a month ago, ali and her son david, heard noises from the attic above ali's bedroom...that sounded like something was being dragged across the attic floor.
Drugs and alcohol?
No, no, this occured after high school!
ok.... looking for some logical explainations.... my daughter, ali, who i've been posting about on the forum...who has developed congestive heart failure.... has had some spooky experiences lately in her house.
here are a few of the things that happened:.
about a month ago, ali and her son david, heard noises from the attic above ali's bedroom...that sounded like something was being dragged across the attic floor.
I think the best thing to do in cases like these is to try to come to an understanding with whatever is there.
Personal story - for a time as a child, I lived in an EXTREMELY creepy house. Everyone who walked inside said that the house felt like a mausoleum or tomb. And it was a fairly new house, not old at all. When it was just me and the parent I was living with, you could REALLY feel it. We both constantly felt like something was watching us, and my sister felt it to when she stayed there on weekends. One night, and mind you, this was just me and my dad, I was asleep on the sofa and woke up to a SCREAMING fight. I wasn't hallucinating or dreaming it. I was actually woken by the noise of a man and a woman shouting curse words at each other and for all the world, it sounded like it was coming from about three feet in front of me, even though there was no-one there. That's when I first decided that there are beings/forces/entergies other than us.
Later in life, I learned about Renaissance-era magic and began to practice it (the Washtowel will never tell you that the Renaissance-era magicians called up angels in the name of YHWH, but anyways.) What I found was an effective and reliable system for contacting beings/entities/intelligences ("angels") that embody holiness, purity, courage, love, etc, as well as "lower" beings that could be worked with to achieve more concrete results.
Does that make me sounds completely off my rocker? Possibly, but I can't say that I'm concerned. A skeptic can confront me and say that it's all horrible, unscientific balderdash, but I have my proof (both in terms of interacting with these beings that represent exalted states of consciousness that are utterly outside of ordinary life, and in terms of having concrete desires fulfilled in exactly the way I ask) and I believe that any person who makes an honest investigation can have similar, or better, results. So that's where I'm coming from.
In my opinion, if it's not all a lot of coincidences, the WORST thing in the world is to ignore what's going on.
by opening this post, you are admitting that you are failures - well done!
i must say, i have had so much fun on this site - some real laugh out loud moments for my friends and i to enjoy.. no need to respond - i am busy pioneering from tomorrow, so will no longer have time on my hands to sit at my pc enjoying laughing at your pathetic comments.
Y'all leave this turdbag alone. He's having his reward in full right now, and what a paltry reward it is.
ok.... looking for some logical explainations.... my daughter, ali, who i've been posting about on the forum...who has developed congestive heart failure.... has had some spooky experiences lately in her house.
here are a few of the things that happened:.
about a month ago, ali and her son david, heard noises from the attic above ali's bedroom...that sounded like something was being dragged across the attic floor.
Your argument is excellent evidence of what I mentioned in my original post.
Believers have faith that these things happen.
Non-believers have faith that these things don't happen.
Both sides hold positions based on faith, and not on neutral-minded observation and exploration.
ok.... looking for some logical explainations.... my daughter, ali, who i've been posting about on the forum...who has developed congestive heart failure.... has had some spooky experiences lately in her house.
here are a few of the things that happened:.
about a month ago, ali and her son david, heard noises from the attic above ali's bedroom...that sounded like something was being dragged across the attic floor.
Is it safe to assume from your reply that you have scientific evidence that getting yourself emotionally worked up can prevent massive alcohol poisoning and/or dramatically increase the tensile strength of one's skin, or are you basicly saying, "Almighty Science says it. I believe it. That settles it"?
ok.... looking for some logical explainations.... my daughter, ali, who i've been posting about on the forum...who has developed congestive heart failure.... has had some spooky experiences lately in her house.
here are a few of the things that happened:.
about a month ago, ali and her son david, heard noises from the attic above ali's bedroom...that sounded like something was being dragged across the attic floor.
People who don't believe spirits exist have probably never seen someone at a vodou ceremony suddenly slap on a pair of sunglasses with one lens missing, start smoking two cigarettes at the same time when she had never smoked a single one before, chug what must have been a gallon of rum without any ill effects (or even any alcohol on her breath or signs of drunkennness after the possession ended) and tell you things she had no way of knowing. Ever seen a guy balance himself on the point of a machete without even scratching his skin? I'd like to see what Dawkins would say about <i>that</i>.
In other words, most of the people who dismiss that sort of thing out of hand are working on exactly the same quality of evidence that Jehovah's Witnesses who believe that such things MUST BE TRUE are - blind faith. In this case, blind faith that anything not immediately obvious has to be false.
ok.... looking for some logical explainations.... my daughter, ali, who i've been posting about on the forum...who has developed congestive heart failure.... has had some spooky experiences lately in her house.
here are a few of the things that happened:.
about a month ago, ali and her son david, heard noises from the attic above ali's bedroom...that sounded like something was being dragged across the attic floor.
Coffee, I sent you a PM
paul's letters practically invent christianity.. the gospels trickled in after him.. paul never walked with jesus and yet explains him.. never a quote from the master at all.. yet, paul is such a maven.. if jesus couldn't be bothered to actually reveal what he was all about to his apostles with whom he ate, drank, spoke and slept---why this persecutor, saul?.
the apostles heard every word jesus spoke and were willing to die for him.. paul didn't--yet--miraculously explained every detail of the entire history of god's purpose including his messiah.. .
can anybody provide a non-gimmick answer?.
Jesus never says anything about "progressive revelation," particularly revelation which is different in emphasis from what he himself taught.