has anyone ever been recognized and outed? I am trying to not let too much personal information out here, but is there a real concern?
JoinedPosts by GrandmaJones
has anyone ever been "outed" by posting?
by GrandmaJones in.
has anyone ever been recognized and outed?
i am trying to not let too much personal information out here, but is there a real concern?.
What would you do in this situation?
by highdose ini have a freind who is a great cook and loves to cook for freinds at his house.
the trouble is: he is not a great cleaner!.
the result being that the dinner table is caked with dryed on food, the plates and cutlery the same.
perhaps you could attend for the fun and friendship but say you are on a "special diet" and that you had to eat before you came.
Update on my JC hearing...received the expected news
by SweetBabyCheezits inin case anyone's interested but unaware of my family's case up to this point, here's the original thread:.
so the elders requested a follow-up meeting last week but we were unable to meet at their set time and told them as much.
Thanks so much for the update, I joined this forum after reading your post re "help..." I'd love to read what you finally end up writing. I'm sorry that you still have people in that you have to leave, but if your wife and kids are out with you, then that's pretty good. Your parents may end up feeling really guilty, and that might make them see the light. Let's hope.
what are the snowfakes?
by GrandmaJones ini search a couple of dozen pages on the tech forum, and couldn't even find a question about it.
between your name and the topic there is a little colored snowflake.
grandma jones.
I search a couple of dozen pages on the tech forum, and couldn't even find a question about it. Between your name and the topic there is a little colored snowflake. what is it?
Grandma Jones
ex-elders, present elders, and sexual abuse survivors or their families
by Lady Lee inhelp needed on this thread.
lady lee- who are you, and what's your story?.
madjw thinks the wts' policy is sufficient to deal wtih cases of sexual abuse of children.
I am just wondering. Is there a lot of this kind of thing? By that I mean people who join to insult and argue with others. I can see where many times there might be room for honest disagreement on any given subject, (although this one is really pretty obvious, how can anyone think there are no cases of sex abuse in our organization. I myself have been a victim of an uncle, an elder, who was never removed due to the 2 wittness problem. After a while, the rest of the family assumed that Jehovah must have forgiven him since he was still an elder. )
Back to my question, sorry to digress. Are there a lot of wittnesses who join just to argue or debate? Or are they phonies just out to have their entertainment at the expense of the feelings of others. I am new as you know, and of course although I have spent many hours now looking at old posts, I can't tell based on such limited experience.
Grandma Jones
I didn't even know i WAS an apostate!
by GrandmaJones ini am currently just sick with grief.
i can't believe this is happening to me.
all the jokes i've made about me never "falling out of the truth" and self confidence about my spirituality.
Wow, what a show of support, and thank you for the advice. I am a very emotional person, and tend to wear my heart right out there, so my first instinct is to BLAB! You are all absolutely right. there is much to lose for me, so much at stake, and I am too emotional and upset to think straight. I have decided to do nothing at all for several months. I am not even going to try and decide anything. I related to so much of what you all said. I will continue to attend meetings, maybe missing a few here and there, can't drive when it snows (that part is true enough) and calm down and settle into this. it is true, with my years in the truth, no one is alarmed at the things I say. I won't upset the apple cart. My mom is nearly 90 just like Wobble's mom, and at my age, with all my family in, I just have to think this over carefully as to what, if any, action is appropriate to take. I will continue to watch, listen, and lurk here, a post a little. I can't thank you all enough for bringing me up short, and making me think about what to do. Without you, I'd probably be telling the elders this weekend. (Don't worry, now I won't)
I don't know how to say this next part. I was always a little afraid of apostates. You know, like the bogyman. (Watch out, he's gonna getcha!) How strange and wonderful to find out how nice, how thoughtful, generous are so-called apostates! Turns out to be a pretty great group.
I didn't even know i WAS an apostate!
by GrandmaJones ini am currently just sick with grief.
i can't believe this is happening to me.
all the jokes i've made about me never "falling out of the truth" and self confidence about my spirituality.
Okay, that's what I'll do. I'll just stop a little. I won't talk to anyone for a little bit. I think if I discussed this with anyone else, they might run to get me help, they would be so concerned. Shocked might be a better word. Good advice. Breathe.
I'll not post anymore tonight. I might need to save some of my 10 posts for tomorrow. Thanks. Much.
I didn't even know i WAS an apostate!
by GrandmaJones ini am currently just sick with grief.
i can't believe this is happening to me.
all the jokes i've made about me never "falling out of the truth" and self confidence about my spirituality.
I thought of talking to my fleshly sister, but from reading the posts on this board, I am afraid to trust even her. She can be very emotional, so I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility that she both sympathize, and agree for t he most part, and then crumble and run to the elders.
I didn't even know i WAS an apostate!
by GrandmaJones ini am currently just sick with grief.
i can't believe this is happening to me.
all the jokes i've made about me never "falling out of the truth" and self confidence about my spirituality.
Thanks for the kind response. It is bring tears to my eyes just to acknowledge my situation. I am appreciative of the support. I am actually supposed to be at my meeting tonight, but I just couldn't go. I am too upset. I have been reading this site for about a week. I am no good at lying. I can't be around the congregation until I pull myself together a little.
I didn't even know i WAS an apostate!
by GrandmaJones ini am currently just sick with grief.
i can't believe this is happening to me.
all the jokes i've made about me never "falling out of the truth" and self confidence about my spirituality.
I am currently just sick with grief. I can't believe this is happening to me. All the jokes I've made about me never "falling out of the truth" and self confidence about my spirituality. Gone. Born in the truth. Raised in the truth. I am a senior citizen, it's been well over six decades! EVERYONE in my family is a wittness. I suddenly realize that I have a gun to my head. I will lose everyone I love for four generations. I guess I have been apostate for many years, only I didn't know it, and apparently no one has thought to tell me. I am not alone. Many in my fleshly family hold similar views. I am not even secretive particularly. Everyone in the congregation must just think I am eccentric. It's been years since I believed everyone would die at Armaggeddon. I tell sisters all the time, "Oh that's just garbage that you need to stay with an abusive husband! Jehovah wouldn't want you to suffer. Think what a terrible example that would be for your children!" Someone recently challanged one of my viewpoints and I thought I would just look up some extra information to prove a point. It was then that I discovered that if I differ from our teaching, I am an apostate. No one has complained about me, but now, I don't know. All it will take is one, won't it? Suddenly, in the last few weeks, I've done an absolute fury of research, and I am now completely convinced that many (though not all) of what we teach is in error. Actually, it might better be said that my viewpoint is that "the organization" has overstepped itself in demanding obediance to it, rather than to God.
I am physically ill over this. I have no one to talk to. I can't go to the elders. (Half my sons are elders!) What am I going to do?