What is sex it has ben soo long, lol.
i got this from my mother in an e-mail.
yes, that's right, my mom sent it to me.
she wrote in the subject line..................i knew there had to be a reason for the shape i'm in {lack of}.
What is sex it has ben soo long, lol.
i wish them peace.
at the end of the conversation i did not feel we were in agreement.
for similar reasons i believe ray has not supported the issue of child abuse being a problem in the organization to media and by personal comments to persons who ask him privately about this.
Amen Bother Bill !!!
I just want t say that I wish that there were more people that had the guts that Bill has. He is an awesome person he and his family. They have gone out on more than one limb for numerouse people.
Kelley Blair
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
well, i'm a little on the jealous side.. i always here of posters here who seem to personally know each other....of coarse not most.....but many.
just curious who knows who in the flesh?..........well partially covered flesh anyways.. when you meet them for the first time....are they way different than you expected?.
I met a lot of people at the March in NYC, but is very hard for me to put names and faces together being that I hadn't been on this forum before going to NYC. But I loved getting to meet all the ones at the March. I look forward to seeing everyone again someday soon. I also look forword to getting to know everyone in the mean time.
Kelley Blair
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
i'm a first time poster.
i'm not a jw.
my wife has been a jw for 5 years now.
You have every right to feel the way you want and no one has the right to tell you otherwise. There are alot of us on this board that have been hurt in various ways. I know for myself I was sexually abused by more than one elder in our congeration. I think one of the things that makes it so hard for ones that leave is that we build our whole lives around the organization. When a person becomes a JW they live in a whole different world so to speak. I'm sure you have heard that JW's are a cult and I'm guessing you have researched what a cult actually is. So for alot of us being on the outside is a major change and is very difficult to adjust and then again some don't adjust. Some don't get therpay and some do. When you have lived your life so closely to what the organization requires and then you feel like that did you wrong then you feel very angery and hurt and betryed. You feel like you wasted alot of your time and engery on something that you really believed in. I know I did. I was a regular pioneer for several years was what you would call a "model JW". For many of us we were raised as JW's and it's a reality shock for us. It's a totally different world outside of the JW's. You might notice that many of us refer to being in the "Borg" thats what it was like for us. No idenity and self worth, no voice. Man when you finally get that you don't always know what to do with it. We all had a mission as a witnesse and now that we have left we still have that mission attitude. We want to warn the public of the danagers of the organization and become emotional about it. Not everyone in the organization are bad people in fact I miss many of the ones I knew. I think that is another reason we get so mad. My mother is going to dis-own me and her husband was one of the men that sexually abused me. I was the one that the congergation was going to disfellowship because I had no witnesses of the abuse. So alot of us has paid for the sins of others. Just be cautious in everything you do is the only word of advise I give people and use the god given conscience that god gave us. If you haven't done research on cults I would encourage you to do so. And I do think you have a heart otherwise you would have wanted to check all of this out. Over look the angry to a point and try to read between the lines of what people are really trying to say. You have to look at the big picture and I think thats what you are trying to do now. Well that was my 2 cents.
i coldn't stay silent anymore!
Thanks for the great pics
we had a whole list of shows we were not allowed to watch including 'speed racer', you'll never guess why.
it was beacuse in the theme song it says "he's a demon on wheels" but then my mother was a jw fanatic lol.
You know when people ask me if I have seen certain movies or TV shows and I say no they can't understand why. I know when I left the organization I went out and rented I don't know how many movies of stuff I wasn't allowed to watch, even bought all the Disney movies for my daughter, lol. but I find it funny how most of us were allowed to watch Star Trek and how most of us refer to us being in the Borg. I guess we could all relate to the show, lol. Nice thread for a change too guys thanks.
a little advise if possible.. i do suffer on and off from depression and am at present engaging in a warfare to overcome these problems, as unfortunately i have become bogged down with negativity again.. have any of you here used medication prescribed by your gp and if so, was it effective for you?
also, did you suffer any side effects from the use of the medication?.
i am interested as my gp has offered to put me on a course of anti-depressants, but to say i am fearful, is to understate how i feel about the use of prescribed drugs.
Thought this link might be good.
at the silentlambs march in brooklyn ny on september 27, 2002 a woman made a public statement which began, .
i'm pat garza, and i'm here today because i was raped by theodore jaracz when i was a little girl, in the city of los angeles, he was district servant.
there are two boys; their initials are "m.v.
This should be on all the news stations. People everywhere should be told of the terrible things that the organization is allowing or promoting and how it affects their members.
Thanks for your post to the board. I feel honored that I got to meet Pat at the March, we stayed at the same hotel. It was a major thing for her to get up there and tell a part of her story. I too was abused in the same way (SRA) and it was very healing for me to see her strength. Please tell her that Kelley says hello and I'm thinking of her. I am so tired of the different ones having doubt about this kind of abuse. I do understand why there is so much talk about it, because it is so unbelievable to think that these things can really happen, but the fact is that they do. I have met other besides Pat that were abused like this. I was so impressed how together Pat appeared for all that she has been through. I might add to the others to that not all of the memories that I have were surpressed and there are ways of proving SRA recovered abuse. I knew a woman that had remembered through therpay an event were she had a nail hammerd into her side. She did have a scar there but they went a step further and did a scan of her side and when they did they did in fact find a nail. They did surgery and removed it. My point is that until proven gulity you assume that a victim is a victim. If you can say that the customer is always right then why can't we say the victim is always right until proven other wise? Terrible things do happen to people. Once again please tell Pat that there are ones backing her even if she doesn't know it. I'm proud of her and it isn't for anyone to judge another person or their attorney for what they deem appropiate for their case or not. And the thing about Bill he already knew of the certain ones that were going to be speaking and what they were going to say. I big hand to Bill too, he is a wonderful man to be helping all of us. Ok that was my 2 cents, lol.
i will try to come back later and give editorial comments.
a familiar family.
group growing as we get ready.
You covered my face when you made that circle, lol. I'm the one that is at the front holding up the lamb, same side your on. This was the best thing ever!!! I loved being there with all of you. It was so healing. I look foreword to March with all of you again and everyone else that missed but were there in spirit.
a little advise if possible.. i do suffer on and off from depression and am at present engaging in a warfare to overcome these problems, as unfortunately i have become bogged down with negativity again.. have any of you here used medication prescribed by your gp and if so, was it effective for you?
also, did you suffer any side effects from the use of the medication?.
i am interested as my gp has offered to put me on a course of anti-depressants, but to say i am fearful, is to understate how i feel about the use of prescribed drugs.
Hey DizzyCat
You know when I was on med's I gained 40lbs in less than one month. I have had a terrible time losing weight even now since I have been off med's (off for 8 yrs) because it damaged my metabolizism, it slow it down so much that now I have a real hard time losing wieght. I also have highblood pressure and other major health problems associated with the long term affects of taking all of those medications. At one time they had me on Thoriazine 700mg - 20mgs will put a 100lb dog down for a week, I learned how to cope with that much med's. My daughter was a baby when I was on that and I didn't have any help from my mom because she was pioneering at the time and couldn't take off to help me out (you know "priorities", lol). Is my opinion but from what I have studied in college and on my own most of the things that people are diagonosed with are just labels for just not dealing with underlying issues. Let me explain or clarify what I mean. We have all heard that stress can cause heart attacks and ulcers, headaches, etc. If you we were able to deal with the emotional and psychological issues that we face then we would be alot more healthy and would live longer too. I have heard "I have a chemical inbalance" but the question should be why do I have a chemical imbalance? Yes our body get thrown off and we experience depression, panic attacks and etc., but our bodies are designed to learn how to compensate. But when it does that it, it also throws off other areas when trying to compensate. So if we can learn to deal with what is causing the imbalance then we are actually one step ahead. But doing this is a lot hardier than just taking a pill. It is a lot easier to take a pill or "put a bandaide over a gun shoot wound" than putting forth the effort to fixing the problem. I don't mean to sound self rightouse because it is very hard for me to do things like this to, lol. But it makes it alot easier if we have help (therapy, friends, diet, excerise, messege boards, lol). I hope some of this makes sense. I do a lot better talking out loud then typing lol I think faster than I can type, lol. Good Luck and take care of yourself.