Hey DizzyCat
You know when I was on med's I gained 40lbs in less than one month. I have had a terrible time losing weight even now since I have been off med's (off for 8 yrs) because it damaged my metabolizism, it slow it down so much that now I have a real hard time losing wieght. I also have highblood pressure and other major health problems associated with the long term affects of taking all of those medications. At one time they had me on Thoriazine 700mg - 20mgs will put a 100lb dog down for a week, I learned how to cope with that much med's. My daughter was a baby when I was on that and I didn't have any help from my mom because she was pioneering at the time and couldn't take off to help me out (you know "priorities", lol). Is my opinion but from what I have studied in college and on my own most of the things that people are diagonosed with are just labels for just not dealing with underlying issues. Let me explain or clarify what I mean. We have all heard that stress can cause heart attacks and ulcers, headaches, etc. If you we were able to deal with the emotional and psychological issues that we face then we would be alot more healthy and would live longer too. I have heard "I have a chemical inbalance" but the question should be why do I have a chemical imbalance? Yes our body get thrown off and we experience depression, panic attacks and etc., but our bodies are designed to learn how to compensate. But when it does that it, it also throws off other areas when trying to compensate. So if we can learn to deal with what is causing the imbalance then we are actually one step ahead. But doing this is a lot hardier than just taking a pill. It is a lot easier to take a pill or "put a bandaide over a gun shoot wound" than putting forth the effort to fixing the problem. I don't mean to sound self rightouse because it is very hard for me to do things like this to, lol. But it makes it alot easier if we have help (therapy, friends, diet, excerise, messege boards, lol). I hope some of this makes sense. I do a lot better talking out loud then typing lol I think faster than I can type, lol. Good Luck and take care of yourself.