Topics Started by d
Creepy charles Suntko Tape
by d indid anybody else find the stay alive till 75 audio disturbing.i found to be distrubing for the fact that children were there.did anybody hear this talk first hand,please tell me of your expereinces that would be great thanks..
Creepy Talks
by d indo any of you remeber any talks that were creepy in nature.for example i remember a talk where a brother said "when the end comes your friends and family will be against you" now if that is not crazy i don't know what is.i remember alot of talks regarding bible prophecy and the end times.all of this did not help reinforce the sense of fear since it was 2007-2008 and the united states was going through a recession.this just proved to be fuel for their talks.give good experiences of any talks that you have had that proved to be either weird or very creepy..
New to Site
by d ini am new here i have posted only a couple of times.i still an nervous though.
i left the witness in 2008 and am still struggling with my belief syestem .although i am now reading richard dawkins the god delusion which by the way is a really good book i am already in chapter here i am new and unsure, if i should be on this site or not..
Kent Sate masscre
by d insince this the 40 yr anniversity of the did feel about the shootings as a jw do you see as the sign of the end times?were you scared about inpending perscution or revolution in this country.
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
by d ini was reading aldous huxley's brave new world and thinking,this is what society is becoming.especially since nowadays people want to be distracted with the use of the internet and social networking sites such as facebook and twitter.i like how it says " what we desire will destroy us" because in the grand scheme of things.
it most likely will and that is a very disturbing is shocking how he wrote the book in 1932 and it was written during the 1920's, all of what he is sayiing is becoming a scary reality..
Duck and cover
by d indid any of you here have to do the duck and cover drills during the 1950's.since i never lived in that time period, i would want to know..
Antiwar protests
by d inwhat was it like living diuring the antiwar protests 60's era as a jehovah witness?
was it exciting as it was signs of the times.or did some of you just not really care about the antiwar protests..
Children of 1975
by d inwhat was it like to live in the 1950's 1960's and early 70's as a jehovah witness.when they started to push the 1975 date..