TTWSYF you are correct. You answered it better and more clearly than I did. My point was, the WT is wrong. I know all will agree with that part.
JoinedPosts by snakeface
Who Resurrected Jesus?
by snakeface inone of the heresies of the wt is denying the divinity of christ.
during this "memorial season" they say that jehovah (god the father?
) resurrected jesus.
Who Resurrected Jesus?
by snakeface inone of the heresies of the wt is denying the divinity of christ.
during this "memorial season" they say that jehovah (god the father?
) resurrected jesus.
One of the heresies of the WT is denying the divinity of Christ. During this "Memorial Season" they say that Jehovah (God the Father?) Resurrected Jesus. When trying to teach others that Jesus could not possibly be God, they ask, "Who resurrected Jesus? If he died, how could he resurrect himself?"
The truth is, Jesus DID resurrect Himself. He is more powerful than death. In John 10:18, most Bibles translate Jesus' words as, "No man can take my life from me; I lay it down of myself. I have the power to lay it down and I have the power to take it up again...." The NWT (New Weird Translation) translates this as, "...I have authority to surrender it, and I have authority to receive it again..." which means the same but seems to allow for the argument of Jesus receiving it from someone else. (Like if you leave your wallet with someone while you undergo anesthesia, they return the item to you afterward.) This argument is false. Jesus said, "I AM the resurrection and the life..." at John 11:25 when He was about to resurrect Lazarus.
What the WT does not teach is that God existed forever with no beginning and therefore He needs no thing and no one to keep Him alive. Humans and animals need air/water/food in order to keep existing. Plants need sunlight and nutrients from the soil to continue existing. Even the planets and other celestial bodies, need the various scientific phenomena such as gravity to keep them from colliding. But God needs nothing; He exists. All other things (including death) exist only because of His will. Therefore He is the only One who has the right to exist. Even death does not have the right to exist without His permission. Death has no power over Him. If it did He could not have been resurrected at all.
Keep this in mind if anyone tries to talk to you about the Memorial. Or whatever they call it now...
I think I made up my mind
by paradiseseeker ina month ago i travelled alone to italy for three days and i had the opportunity to visit the beautiful florence and re-visit many parts of rome.. but most importantly, i had the opportunity to stay alone and think about my situation and to make up my mind.. i've had very clear for almost 5 years that i will eventually leave the religion, but i couldn't decide when.. but now i know : i will leave on april 20th, the day after the memorial.. that day i will talk to my parents (this is by far the hardest thing to do) and soon afterwards i will talk to my closest friends, then i will send my disassociation letter.
i know that i will let them down, i will hurt them, most probably some of them will cry... but i need to live coherently for the first time in my life.
i'm sure that living in this contradiction is affecting and will affect my mental health and it's time for me to help myself instead of others.
I agree with DesirousOfChange. DA is doing it their way, playing by their rules. Do your thing YOUR way.
Myself, I ended up writing a DA letter months after I left but that was to stop them.from contacting me. The elders kept coming by unannounced. I would answer the door in my underwear and act like I was sleeping or just getting into the shower or go out, or else if I was working outside doing yardwork or washing my car they'd stand there and run their mouths. I'm in Florida. One summer day I was outside with no shirt on, washing my car and they started counseling me on modesty and that I should a minister. One elder said, "You look like you're all ready for a day at the beach," to which I replied, "Perhaps I am." Another thing that was happening was, some of the people were leaving me voice messages saying they missed me at the meetings. I would frequently find tracts and notes left in my front door when i'd get home from work.
So the letter I wrote was primarily to tell them to stay off my property and to stop contacting me. In the letter I also mentioned something about "since I already left the organization several months ago..." I did not give any reasons. I just said I was notifying them "in writing" not to have any further contact with me.
The everyday fears of a JW
by days of future passed inremember how much your life revolved around fears?
fears of how going to a new place, might put you in harms way?
how bad the world was and how even talking to people, might find you robbed etc?.
You are right. They used to warn about coworkers inviting you out for a drink after work...which can lead to AIDS. Do not accept gifts from "worldlings" or buy used items at garage sales because these.items could be demonized....and then you'll have a demon problem in your house...the demons are known to fondle people in their sleep.
All these things are forms.of Isolation. Abusers.try to isolate their victims so that the victim is dependent upon them. (For example an abusive husband is very controlling and does not let his wife have friends.) This is how it is in this evil cult.
If Bethel life is so horrible, why do so many young people want go to there? Because of the brainwashing. They are taught that the outside world is so wicked and so dangerous, and that the only safe and spiritually clean place is inside a kingdom hall or bethel home. So perhaps they then feel so inadequate, that they could never survive in the outside world. Which in turn fosters the belief that they need the wt society to protect them and to make decisions for them. All this is designed to keep the flock in spiritual, emotional, and mental slavery.
I think I made up my mind
by paradiseseeker ina month ago i travelled alone to italy for three days and i had the opportunity to visit the beautiful florence and re-visit many parts of rome.. but most importantly, i had the opportunity to stay alone and think about my situation and to make up my mind.. i've had very clear for almost 5 years that i will eventually leave the religion, but i couldn't decide when.. but now i know : i will leave on april 20th, the day after the memorial.. that day i will talk to my parents (this is by far the hardest thing to do) and soon afterwards i will talk to my closest friends, then i will send my disassociation letter.
i know that i will let them down, i will hurt them, most probably some of them will cry... but i need to live coherently for the first time in my life.
i'm sure that living in this contradiction is affecting and will affect my mental health and it's time for me to help myself instead of others.
paradiseseeker, you said you are letting your friends down by leaving. No, you are not.letting them down. You are doing what you believe is right. If they do not support your decision, THEY ARE NOT FRIENDS. Their loyalty is to the organization, not to you.
You will find that out very soon. And when you do, do not.lose sight of the fact that YOU are not the problem. They are.
Imagine if you always went shopping at Walmart each week with your friends. Then you decided you like Target better. So you told your friends you will not be going with them to Walmart anymore, but you would love it if they would come to Target with you, just once, to see how it is. What if then they said they will no longer speak to you, or even help you if your car breaks down and you are stranded, until you shop at Walmart with them. How ridiculous! You would be able to see that they do not care what your personal shopping preference is; they are only concerned about you being who they expect you to be.
That's exactly how the WT cult is.
Less facial hair? More spirituality!
by neat blue dog inwe've often seen the happifying kingdom trope of a bearded bible student coming up from the baptism water with a freshly shaven, baby smooth face.
beards, after all, signify independent thinking and are best left to worldlings.
our new july 2019 issue of the watchtower, however, sheds increasing light on the subject.
This cult focuses on the wrong things.
I know several very conservative Baptist pastors who are now in their 80s and a few in their 90s. Back in the day, all males would wear suits to church. The ladies wore dresses. Ladies wouldn't dare to wear pants to church. We know this is not the case today. Women wear pants to church, even jeans. Men also wear jeans to church. Some men have long hair, and pierced ears. You will also see tattooed people in church. I asked these old, conservative pastors what they think of this. Their answer was, " I am just grateful that they come I don't tell my people what to wear and what not to wear. They come here to worship and to hear God's Word being taught, not to be controlled by any spiritual leader."
If only the WT had the same viewpoint.
The NWT translates Jesus' words at John 7:24 this way: Stop judging from the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgement.
Birthday coming soon
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inyour thoughts on this please.i am asking you coz i can never ever share this with the jdubs.they will want me not to do this as it is "worldy association".
my birthday is coming soon.this is what i normally have done (not on my birthdays since i was .
still pimi then) in the past for days/ dates that are close to my heart and special/ even people.
Zing, what a great idea! So Christ-like! Enjoy it.
And...have the Happiest Birthday ever!
LongHairGal, I guess what happens to Bethelites is, when they get too old and frail to work they return home and relatives have to take them in since they have no money. And those who leave when young have nothing to put on a job resume.
Technology is available now so that the Writing Committee can send their compositions directly to printers and binding machines. That's what the secular workforce does. An accountant or bookkeeper prepares an Income Statement or other such document, prints it and hands it to the recipients. Or he sends them electronically. The recipients review them and make their decisions.
So "Bethel" is no longer needed.
Went to the KH a few days ago.
by nowawake14 ini actually visited the kh a few days ago.
i just needed to see some friends.
i hadn't been in months.
nowawake 14, you said you went because you just wanted to see some friends. Why are you going them? Why don't they come to you?
Eventually you will realize that they are not your friends. This includes any blood relatives. They do not love you. Their loyalty is to "the organization". You deserve to have true friends, who are happy to see you be/do what you want to be/do, rather than just trying win you over to be what they feel you should be.