Chemical Emotions - I'll type out some excerpts from the section about phobia indoctrination in Steve Hassan's first book that helped me and that I think are relevant to your post. I don't know much about copyright, but I assume it's ok to type excerpts with reference to title, author & page #'s.
Do you know anyone who has ever had a phobia? Yourself, perhaps? The most common phobias include fears of flying in airplanes, public speaking, taking elevators, driving in tunnels or over bridges, and certain animals like snakes, spiders, and even dogs.
Basically, phobias are an intense fear reaction to someone or something. . . .
What do phobias have to do with cult groups and mind control? In some cults, members are systematically made to be phobic about ever leaving the group. Today's cults know how to effectively implant vivid negative images deep within members' unconscious minds, making it impossible for the member to even conceive of ever being happy and successful outside of the group. . . .
The unconscious mind is made to contain a substantial image-bank of all the bad things that will occur if anyone should ever betray the group. . . .
Of course, these thoughts are irrational and nonsensical. However, keep in mind that most phobias are irrational. Most planes don't crash, most elevators don't get stuck, and most dogs aren't rabid. . . .
- from Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan pp 43-44.
And here are some excerpts from a later section on undoing it:
I helped Phil to begin to unlock the phobia indoctrination by asking him to visualize a picture of the future that he would really enjoy. . . .
In other cases, I often ask the member, "If you had never met this group, and you were doing exactly what you wanted to be doing, what would that be?" . . .
By taking this step, I am able to begin neutralizing the cult member's programmed negative feelings about doing anything other than being a member. Once a positive personal reference point is established, the cult-generated picture of a dark, disaster-filled life outside the group begins to be altered. When a positive picture is in place, a bridge to other possibilities opens.
- from Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan pp 165-166.