JoinedPosts by Quarterback
I received my acceptance letter into Nursing School.
by adjusted knowledge ini've been actively pursuing a career change for quite a few years.
i've applied for nursing programs at several local public colleges.
the competition is high for this limited access program.
Good for you. Nursing is a very giving field. I always admire their sacrifices, strengh, kindness in caring for people who have been weakened by illness. All the best to you my friend. -
Memorial Question?
by naazira inover the years, i've come to notice that some of the friends will not touch the plate with the bread or the cup of wine ,when the emblems are being passed around.
i remember a row of 3 people told the brother to skip over them.
every year i have noticed this behavior.
Could be a number of reasons. Here are the Top Ten:
10) They are Egyptians
09) Sitting in the smoking section
08) Prince has shown up and filled three rows with his body guards.
07) It's the full moon, and you just know that passing the emblems to a Werewolfe doesn't end good.
06) Running out of time, and the program needs to end quickly to accomondate the next group.
05) Nazirites aren't allowed to touch wine
04) Some in that row can only eat Gluton Free
03) There may be ten men in that row holding the skirt of a Jew, Hands are occupied. 02) Chewing gum 01) The row may have their own Wine and Crackers, are are not sharing theirs
Look further into the May 15th Simplified version, you will find it there. They must have run out of space in the April copy -
by JOE_BLOW_ELDER inexciting watchtower news!
watchtower and i-drone in a strategic relationship.
(ap) i-drone is set to hover over each house dropping leaflets and airing spiritual soft rock ballads (such as the classic i dont get no education, satan blinded me with science or not hungry like a wolf because sheep are our friends***).
Yes, Drones are the answer to those secure appartment bldgs. -
Disfelowshipping / Expelling
by freein2004 inthe insight book volume 1 page 788 uses matthew 5:22 and acts 10:28 as biblical support for dfing and shunning.. thoughts?
hopefully someone upload the insight book page here.
i don't have the means.. i should have said that basically the top paragraph in the insight book is supporting shunning because the israelites shunned the man of the nations and tax collectors?
Data Dog, and Mary bring up some good solid points about the inconsistent practice of DF'ing with JW's today.
I agree that the GB is abusing this practice in order to control people. How sad it is that family members are cut off by their miss use of that scriptural passage. I know of some who no longer practice what got them DF'd in the first place, They have restored their reputation, are married, and have become responsible members of Society. But, because they don't go back to the KH, and face that committee and beg forgiveness, they are still considered DF'd. I have seen literally as much as 15 years fly by where the grandchildren didn't have a normal relationship because of this wrong application.
Please Welcome me
by Sofia Lose inhave lurked here for many, many years.
female, latina, middle-aged, born-in, 3rd generation jw, northeast usa.
my fate is to continue to play the game 'till death do us part because the very strong and tangled web of friends, family, business, etc.
Bienevidos, Sophia,
I always like to practice my spanish.
Does anybody know what the "special broadcast" to all the Kingdom Halls (canada) is about on march 22?
by hoser inheard about it today just not sure if i should go
Canadians don't have the same problems as the Americans have with the Meterosexual look. But, we do wear a lot of plaid. Bright coloured socks are not an issue for us Canadians, but we do like to wear snow shoes. So we may have to stop that.
We don't have a spaks problem, but we do wear long johns. Maybe that's about to change..
this week's bible reading leviticus chap 19 - 21 - my opening remarks
by user100 inso.. some asshole visits another asshole but a mob erupts and wants to rape the visiting asshole.. the host asshole offers his daughter and the visiting asshole's concubine to appease the mob.. sure enough.. the concubine ends up gang raped and murdered.
in the morning the visiting asshole loads her up on his donkey, takes her home, dismembers her body into 12 pieces and sends it to all the tribes to incite war.. so an army of 22,000 is formed, some prick goes and asks jehovah if they should go and destroy the gang raping mob.. and jehovah says 'yes.. do it.
they go to fight and loose all 22,000 die.
I never did read the entire ending of this story before, until this post brought it up. I do have a high respect for the Bible, but I was disturbed in reading how the nation kept trying to solve this problem but made matters worse. It went as far as the Israelites wanting to cut off that entire Benjamite tribe. I guess that must be the reason that the very last verse of Judges says, "Everyone did what was right in their own eyes in those days, because they didn't have a King" -
Governing Body Member Stephan Lett Lies On JW.TV
by Finkelstein ini thought it would be important to clearly point in the recent talk by governing body member stephan lett, that he did in fact deliberately lie concerning what he described as lies and false information by apostates, concerning the organization being permissive toward people in the organization who had been involved in pedophilia.
the truth of the matter is thats exactly what the organization has been doing and perhaps for a long time.
the recent candace conti law suit where she was awarded 28 million dollars was levied against the wts for its irresponsible behavior by the elders who gave no notification of the accused jonathan kendrick that he had been charged with pedophilia and spent months in jail for his actions .
Wow, 28 Million Dollars was paid out to settle this claim?
Do we have proof of this?
I quit the Theocratic Ministry School
by My Name is of No Consequence inafter almost 24 years in the school and doing it since i was nine years old, i officially resigned.
it has become increasingly difficult to prepare talks, especially with the new format for brothers.
i did not mind doing them; i actually put the time and effort into getting them out.
I think about a third of our cong has graduated(quit) the TMS. I predict that more will drop now with the renewed counselling arrangement. The TMS Overseer's wife has even quit the school. Now and then she makes an appearance as a householder.
Nice graduation cake, Billy.