If you would like me to call on you, just leave me your address. LOL
I'm working on this magazine route
just curious about others experience.
i've been living just a few miles from a kingdom hall for 9 years.
i've been called on 0 times.
If you would like me to call on you, just leave me your address. LOL
I'm working on this magazine route
what was the seismic shift in thinking that rutherford required when he created the great multitude in 1935?
when did the great multitude, or the great crowd as it is now known, become jehovahs witnesses?.
Very impressive work, Doug
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
a week or so ago i posted that the forum was 15 years old (15 years of jehovahs-witness.com) and hinted that there may be some news to announce about the site:.
i also may have some other news to share soon about the future of the site so stay posted.
well, now i can announce it - i sold it !.
Good one, Simon.
You won't be catchin me off guard next April....I'm on to you.
i haven't had pizza in absolute ages!!!
today our boss bought in 20 various pizzas to say "well done" for the month of march.
i've eaten like 5 slices already.
This reminds me of another white guy
Please join me in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community.
The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes in the belly.
He was 71.
Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin.
Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs.
Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the
Twinkies and Captain Crunch.
The grave site was piled high with flours.
Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded.
Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes.
Despite being a little flaky at times, he still, as a crusty old man, was considered a roll model for millions.
Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play Dough; two children John Dough and Jane Dough; plus they had one in the oven.
He is also survived by his elderly father Pop Tart.
The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.
(i realize this topic may have already been addressed so i apologize in advance.).
no, that's not a real headline but i suppose it could be one here in arkansas -- one of several states in the us that has a religious freedom law on their books.. as i understand it, if i, as a jw paramedic, am ordered to deliver a blood product to my patient, i can refuse to do so based on my religious freedom.
as a logical consequence, a patient could die.. would paramedic be an occupation be that one of jehovah's witnesses simply cannot accept, knowing fully well that you would be in a likely position to administer blood..
I remember a Wt article that addresed the matter of involvment in the job setting. For example if a JW was a customer Service person, behind a counter that had many items to sell and tobacco/lottery tickets were only a percentage of the sale., Then they could perform their duties according to a concience. If the Milk man had to make deliveries on his route that had a Drug Lord, and the other addresses were legit, then it's ok. A medical provider could reason that they are assisting in many ways, and the blood Transfusion is another product/service in the functions of the job.
Definitely, a JW wouldn't work in a Abortion Clinic.
http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/48-hours-investigates-accused-killer-who-impersonated-journalist/ .
48 hours investigates accused killer who impersonated journalist.
march 27, 2015, 8:20 am|a journalist strikes up an unlikely friendship with an accused killer who took his name -- what happened next would become a book and a film.
What did the FOX say?
does anyone remember those 2 songs and that movie specifically being mentioned in the watchtower?
they were"bad" and should be avoided.
it had to be in the late 70's or early80's.
Wow, I'm surely a bad dude. I watched and listened to all of those music/shows.
So did my friends from Bethel. But, I still refused to go along with those Benjamites who decided to abuse that concubine in the Bible book of Judges.
it appears that a new 16-page brochure, with the title "return to jehovah" is to be released at the regional convention (dc) this year.
it would be written specifically for those faded or da/df.chapters are:a letter from the governing body1.
the lost one i will search for2.