Good idea to get written proof, Sabastious.
I may have not followed the rules, since I was a rogue Elder, and a Rebel.
Good luck to you, and hope it works out
how would one prove that, in a judicial committee, the wrongdoer is not allowed to have guests in the room (witnesses)?.
Good idea to get written proof, Sabastious.
I may have not followed the rules, since I was a rogue Elder, and a Rebel.
Good luck to you, and hope it works out
just wanted to say hi and thanks to everyone that has posted their stories and comments.
i was df'ed a few months ago now and reading this forum has helped out heaps.
based on that i wanted to contribute in the hope that my experiences resonate with someone and help with the healing proccess the way it's helped me.
Welcome, Adso
i wonder if an article in the wt came out telling them to reach out to those that have drifted away.
i suspect the defection has been great in the last few years, and they're trying to bring some back.
i've told my story here, how i was able to succesfully fade away along with my family, without being df'd. would have received a letter if you were DF'd. They can't do that without inviting you to a meeting or at least informing you of it in writing...that's if they follow rules. I don't know what the new book says about that. Don't worry about the JW's that avoided you. My wife and I get that alot, and we atttend meetings regularly. We do have some strange members you know. Some are freaks, some are antisocial, some are great. It's kind of like, where we work. Sometimes people in a different department will avoid us like the plague. "People are strange" said Jim Morrison
i wonder if an article in the wt came out telling them to reach out to those that have drifted away.
i suspect the defection has been great in the last few years, and they're trying to bring some back.
i've told my story here, how i was able to succesfully fade away along with my family, without being df'd.
Lonestar---Just tell them that you have a problem dealing with crowds....they can't fault you for that.
i wonder if an article in the wt came out telling them to reach out to those that have drifted away.
i suspect the defection has been great in the last few years, and they're trying to bring some back.
i've told my story here, how i was able to succesfully fade away along with my family, without being df'd.
So let's see how that would work out, WTWizard.
You move away - You lose your family, lose your home, comfortable surrroundings etc
You stay here - you may lose your family, not your home, not your comfortable surroundings
Maybe, it's better to grow a moustache to disguise yourself, and when they come, pretend you are Pedro, from Mexico just moved in.
Hi Curious,
Download Google Chrome, and try to post once you are logg on...that seems to work
how would one prove that, in a judicial committee, the wrongdoer is not allowed to have guests in the room (witnesses)?.
Sorry about that, NC.
When I was in a JC I did allow, or suggest that if the member felt confortable with the support of a friend they could always have them present if they wished. Most didn't want that. I guess they felt comfortable with meeting with us by themselves. You shouldn't feel intimidated, although some feel this way. It's a very hard meeting to attend, not knowing your fate. You really should go in there feeling that love, and understanding as well as good advice based on God's word would be applied. But, I'm not sure of other congregations, or other places. I really can't speak for them
how would one prove that, in a judicial committee, the wrongdoer is not allowed to have guests in the room (witnesses)?.
Yes, a Witness can be present...there is something I remember in the previous Elder's Manual that states that you should be aware of your accuser.
i wonder if an article in the wt came out telling them to reach out to those that have drifted away.
i suspect the defection has been great in the last few years, and they're trying to bring some back.
i've told my story here, how i was able to succesfully fade away along with my family, without being df'd.
Our congregation is on a Witch Hunt against those faded away. Not too long ago they DF'd someone who had been away for 25 years. They simply asked him if he wanted to study again, and he said, 'No'. Then they told him, he was DF'd.
This came about when the District Overseer met with the cong Elders along with the CO. During the Elders meeting the DO stated that we had it wrong about those who faded away when we made no decision about those who withdrew from the faith. We simply let them be. The DO stated that once you are baptised, you are always baptised.
News about this spread into the nearby congregations, and others freaked out by it. Some asked other Elders that said, "Huh" The policy or maybe opinion of the DO was applied inconsistently in our city. There would be at least 49 DF'd is this were to be applied. I'm sure if it were applied this numbers of DF's would sky rocket through the roof.
Every one is puzzled about it, and the Society doesn't even know about the opinion of this crazy old DO who really should retire into a basement appt at some Kingdom Hall is a lousy city, where he belongs.....sorry just venting here
how would one prove that, in a judicial committee, the wrongdoer is not allowed to have guests in the room (witnesses)?.
If the involved person is under age, the parent(s) may attend the hearing.