OK, then...I mean't what wrote. It's not up to me to judge.
Happy posting.
hiccups are a weird phenomena.
they are a combination of two involuntary actions - firstly a rapid inhalation of breath followed 35 milliseconds later by the glottis at the back of the throat suddenly closing off our airway.. our normal breathing is controlled by a "central pattern generator" in a small region of the brain stem close to the boundary with the spinal cord.
a signal is sent along the vagus and phrenic nerves resulting in a rhythmic contraction of muscles in chest, diaphragm and throat.. these nerves branch off right at the top of the spinal cord and follow a convoluted path through the chest cavity.
OK, then...I mean't what wrote. It's not up to me to judge.
Happy posting.
hiccups are a weird phenomena.
they are a combination of two involuntary actions - firstly a rapid inhalation of breath followed 35 milliseconds later by the glottis at the back of the throat suddenly closing off our airway.. our normal breathing is controlled by a "central pattern generator" in a small region of the brain stem close to the boundary with the spinal cord.
a signal is sent along the vagus and phrenic nerves resulting in a rhythmic contraction of muscles in chest, diaphragm and throat.. these nerves branch off right at the top of the spinal cord and follow a convoluted path through the chest cavity.
By the look of your History of posting on this site, I would say that you have a campaign in promoting Evolution. I counted at least 15 posts that highlights your views on Evolution within the last two months. Weather that is right or wrong on a JW Discussion website is not for me to judge.
Oh well, you have found some support for this view on here.
hiccups are a weird phenomena.
they are a combination of two involuntary actions - firstly a rapid inhalation of breath followed 35 milliseconds later by the glottis at the back of the throat suddenly closing off our airway.. our normal breathing is controlled by a "central pattern generator" in a small region of the brain stem close to the boundary with the spinal cord.
a signal is sent along the vagus and phrenic nerves resulting in a rhythmic contraction of muscles in chest, diaphragm and throat.. these nerves branch off right at the top of the spinal cord and follow a convoluted path through the chest cavity.
Really???? That's it? That proves Evolution as a fact?
yesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
yesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
yesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
Oh...Did I just invent another new word? My wife tells me I do that all the time.
What would I say to them? Not too sure yet. If he shows up I'll let you know.
"Gravitationalist"....That's funny, LOL
yesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
Hello guys. What a beautiful sunny day it is today..It really makes you want to thank the Creator, doesn't it?
See you later. I've got to meet a Evolutionist at the Trolley cart today.
yesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
Yes Cofty he was older than I thought or remembered. I was wrong on that one. But, he is still younger than I am,
This brother will probably just return to the Carts soon enough because he was kind to you, and let you go on about your knowledge. That is the new approach to the Public Witnessing. Don't argue.
I don't even want to argue with you. It's not that I haven't argued the subject before.
When I want to believe in Evolution I will go to Chapters and buy a good book about it. Perhaps it will be "Evolution for Dummies," or "Evolution for Seniors"
yesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
Hmmm...I don't think that this argument is going anywhere.
Glad to hear that this polite young man at the Trolleys spoke kindly to you, and listened. The real story is why did the sister stay away?
They walked away and you walked away, and nobody convinced anybody.
The sister probably gave credit to the young man about his expressions, just like your Evolution friends have given you on this post
and life goes on
yesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
Shepherdless: JW's do not take the Genesis account literally. When it says the Earth was created in 6 days, a day is not understood to be 24 hrs long. A creative day could be millions of years, This view differs from some Evangelical group.
You do realize that some scientists accept the Creation account when it comes to explain how it all started such as in the Big Bang theory.
I don't think you can get to a version of evolution by logic, deduction or reason. Evolution is theories. It's true that a Childhood indoctrination has contributed to belief in the Creation account. So are family values, morals, and respect for others views