My heart goes out to you. I know it doesn't help much, but please know that there are people out there tonight who are thinking of you and wishing you well. I know from personal experience how JW parents can treat their children that don't follow their faith. My life partner passed away last October from leukemia, and his father knew he was very ill because I was there when Jon called him and told him. His father just hung up on him, and never once called or visited while Jon was ill. After Jon died he was more than willing to try and get a share of his "son's" estate, and I put the word sons in quotations because I find it sickening that he wouldn't speak to Jon for years, even when he knew he was dying, but he didn't have a problem with trying to get his greedy hands on his belongings. That though is another story, which need not be gone into. Not ever being a JW myself I can't fathom the logic they have regarding shunning, but I can't think of anything more cruel and heartless. And this is coming from a group that claims to be Gods only true Org. Strange. If nothing else, the shunning issue alone made me certain that I would never fall into their cult trap.
Please take care and know I wish you well,