hey chickpea,
no crazylegs for you??
its awful busy down here!
..... service to my community, that is!!!.
i will be spending a 4 hour shift slinging sloppy joes .
at a fund raiser for our little community center/museum!!.
hey chickpea,
no crazylegs for you??
its awful busy down here!
if anyone reads the item below and still does not get my point... i'm sorry, there isn't much i can do for you.. .
I think this is just me but I dont get what the arguement is?
would you have believed it ?
( i give credit to the poster password protected for giving me the idea of this thread ) .. after exiting the witnesses in 2003 i have noticed many changes within the wt society which really surprised me but after analyzing the changes - they really have convinced me the wt society and jehovah's witnesses are a mind control cult intent on ruling people's lives.
here are some i have noticed that have changed :.
I completely agree with salty. If they would just get rid of disfellowshipping and demonizing dissent that would go a long way to combatting the mind control cult talk. If you want to call it faith that its 607 and not some other number or that 1919 is when jc chose these men thats fine with me. Hell if you think magical underwear is what gets you into heaven or if you are a full blown operating level 1 Thetan, I DONT CARE!! Good for you, just stop with the destroying families! People with 5, 10, 20, 30 and more years, people who have built their lives in this organization finally realize that its not everything that it says it is are DEATHLY afraid to question anything because they know that they will lose their friends. Lose their families. People who were finally no longer afraid to accept real truth dont want to neccessarily leave the church but are now pigeon holed into choosing miserable silence and keeping family and friends vs honest questions and losing everything. Stop destroying families!
would you have believed it ?
( i give credit to the poster password protected for giving me the idea of this thread ) .. after exiting the witnesses in 2003 i have noticed many changes within the wt society which really surprised me but after analyzing the changes - they really have convinced me the wt society and jehovah's witnesses are a mind control cult intent on ruling people's lives.
here are some i have noticed that have changed :.
I think the 144000 is going to go from not only being opened up again but its going to be revealed to the fearless leaders that its now to be seen as a figurative number. I guess well see with the latest numbers, how soon this may happen.
I would also say that the blood policy is going to change but now im not so sure. I am currently involved in a shitty custody battle and am trying to get the final say for medical decisions because of the blood policy. After the most recent "banging my head on the wall" session with my ex, I realized the blood policy is somewhat of a farce now. Blood is too precious to be given as whole blood. It can be broken down so much and benefit so many different people now that it is rarely used as "whole blood" So while the prohibition on "whole blood" is still in affect, giving the members the solidarity of "we dont accept blood", the practical use (my limited knowledge) is largly going to be the blood fractions. So they can still say "we dont accept blood" but in reality they can accept (if their conscious allows) a large percentage of blood for medical use. So im not sure if the blood policy will change although i would not be suprised.
i have agreed to meet tomorrow, saturday,.
at 9 am to organize in groups and then go.
door to door til around noon, sharing a .
chickpea, there is a lot of that going around down here these days!!
Im glad to see so many sconnies on this board!
it's been about a month and a half since i last talked to the elders.
today i got a call from one of them.
he left me a voicemail saying he would like to have me meet with them on sunday after the meeting to discuss some things and to see if there is any way they can be of help.. i haven't been to a meeting since the end of october/beginning of november.
you should def not go! If I may be so bold as to suggest the next time they call, ask one of them to dinner with his family. isnt that what a christian would do to get to know and encourage a fellow christian? after all, where two or more are gathered together..... Let him try to disrespect you and your family in your house. In front of his wife and kids. In front of your spouse and kids. If he does disrespect you then show his family the door. Let it be another example to your family of the insane behavior of the jdubs. It will be an excellent example to his wife and kids, even though it might not sink in at that time.
Of course they will not accept the invite. They dont have the balls. But avoiding them in my humble opinion is like seeing them out in public and trying to hide from them. If they see you first and you dont make contact with them they will be able to go back to the hall and say "oh i saw brother/sister inactive today, they seem so sad i really hope they turn around and come back to jah. dont give them that!! walk up to them, say hello, make them uncomfortable for their poor decision to shun you. they are the ones who are being dicks, dont ever let them pity you. The liberation in life you get when you finally tell yourself you will no longer live under the thumb of religious hacks is incredible. god knows its not easy but nothing worth having is.
pbrow(steps down from soapbox)
i think the blood issue is an incredible looking glass into what is wrong with the legelize style of relgion.. unfortunately my ex is a "very good" jdub and still have to deal with it because of my two children.
i think i understand that fractions of components are not considered blood but i think that realization brings this next question.. does it simply just not matter that the fractions of components came from blood?.
yes, i get that. all fractions still have to come from the blood. I think terry's explanation is a long way of saying that dubs dont think about the fractions of components coming from actual blood because it has not been in the watchtower. I completely agree, as a 30 year born in disassociated exmember I remember the the constant feeling of having a watchtower curmudgeon on my shoulder during every decision i made. I guess im asking has anyone used this line of reasoning, does it not matter that fractions of components still come from actual blood, on someone who is in.
I also understand that people are not going to understand until they are going to understand. I just want to know what may be countered to that question while actually talking to a "very good jdub"
just this past week i went to see a jbub relative that was in the hospital.
there was an elder there from her hall.
he was probably there for support but also to make sure no blood was used.
hey mutz, i completely agree and it goes to show the the inherent goodness in people that has nothing to do with religion. Even though some of these dubs have been in for many years you can see the internal struggle they have to NOT show simple decent human behavior. The goodness will never go away and hopefully it will be what wakes some of these people up.
dubsnubbed +1
i think the blood issue is an incredible looking glass into what is wrong with the legelize style of relgion.. unfortunately my ex is a "very good" jdub and still have to deal with it because of my two children.
i think i understand that fractions of components are not considered blood but i think that realization brings this next question.. does it simply just not matter that the fractions of components came from blood?.
I think the blood issue is an incredible looking glass into what is wrong with the legelize style of relgion.
Unfortunately my ex is a "very good" jdub and still have to deal with it because of my two children. I think I understand that fractions of components are not considered blood but I think that realization brings this next question.. Does it simply just not matter that the fractions of components came FROM blood?
it's sad too say that all of us good people that believed in a happy ending through justice that god would protect us, is a false promise, it us mere humans that make our lives and however we chose to lives this is our lot, no mystic new order or paradise earth, we make our own destiny!!!.
the star tiger.
there most certainly are happy endings for jdubs! you can even choose the girls! However i would imagine a judicial commitee would be formed very quickly!!
hey, wtw.... how about SLW!!