That is exactly my point though. So you are bending THEIR rules. You are playing THEIR game. Believe me when I say I worried about losing what I thought were lifelong friendships and family members. I, like all of us who have left, suffered the loss of what I thought were true friendships. With all the people i knew and loved, it was extremely difficult for me to come to grips with the fact that I did not have many real relationships. As many of us are keenly aware, I know exactly what is on the minds of many people who think that fading is a good idea.
I have a brother that will not talk to me, I have a mother that will not be seen in public with me, "friends" i grew up with since the age of four years old will not even come to my children's soccer games. I know what is at stake, i know what loss is. If you fade, you are perpetuating their game, you are playing their game, you are in essence giving their game validity. That is my point. I can understand why people do it, I just don't think it is the best way.