I was thinking about this a little more....
If the dubs opened up a chat feature.... The jwdotorg website would become apostate in less than 1 year. It would give simon a welcome run for his money!!
Thats why it will never happen.
someone with influence needs to persuade the gb to add a live chat feature to the website.. i was strolling through the mormon site out of curiosity and noticed they had a live chat option.
golly, i can't pass this up.
i decided to talk to jake and spencer.
I was thinking about this a little more....
If the dubs opened up a chat feature.... The jwdotorg website would become apostate in less than 1 year. It would give simon a welcome run for his money!!
Thats why it will never happen.
someone with influence needs to persuade the gb to add a live chat feature to the website.. i was strolling through the mormon site out of curiosity and noticed they had a live chat option.
golly, i can't pass this up.
i decided to talk to jake and spencer.
I am thinking I like Tatooing for a planet... nice moons... lots of beach. That's the planet for me!
Talk about brazen... Mormons are clearly more committed than the dubs because they believe what they believe and still have a chat function.... The dubs are just a bunch of pussies!!
i'm not surprised but i must admit to a little eye roll.... looking at some photos on my brother's facebook page, i stumbled on a picture of our mother.
it took a few cycles thru the photos before i realized that mom has a jw pin on her top.. not surprising, but wanted to share.. we have not spoken in a long time.
for a while she was calling me every couple of weeks from her cell phone in the morning.
Not suprised??? My kid came home the other day after being with mom and had a jw.org wristband on! I know it seems stupid to newer folks but anyone in for more than 10 years knows what a huge deal this jewelry is.
I couldn't believe it.... all that talk about golden calves, wearing crosses and idle worship. S'all good now!
well, this is a new development.
she broached the subject of ttatt tonight.
said i was right about the flood.
Congrats Bro Cappy!!
Sounds like its only a matter of time!... Because at the end of the day... The end isnt coming so thats really all we have!
i'm new here but not new to researching and questioning the jw beliefs.
i have quite a story.... one that's been haunting me for awhile... but first, i'd like to hear what people have to say about this topic question, please.. -gigi.
I like Fayes idea.... Go to some churches and listen to what they have to say. Waking up and getting out of the dub lifestyle is very empowering and frightening not only because you do not know what you will find but mainly because you have had blinders on for so many years.
Good luck, enjoy the ride and welcome to your personal freedom!
my mom was emailing a group thread of rhetoric about isis and armageddon, and i finally got sick of it and said some pretty intense harsh things about ideals, and wishing for armageddon.
then it went back and forth like some debate, all the while i am holding back unloading serious ttatt on my family.
i put a whole bunch of scriptures where the wonderful yahweh committed infanticide.
That is exactly my point though. So you are bending THEIR rules. You are playing THEIR game. Believe me when I say I worried about losing what I thought were lifelong friendships and family members. I, like all of us who have left, suffered the loss of what I thought were true friendships. With all the people i knew and loved, it was extremely difficult for me to come to grips with the fact that I did not have many real relationships. As many of us are keenly aware, I know exactly what is on the minds of many people who think that fading is a good idea.
I have a brother that will not talk to me, I have a mother that will not be seen in public with me, "friends" i grew up with since the age of four years old will not even come to my children's soccer games. I know what is at stake, i know what loss is. If you fade, you are perpetuating their game, you are playing their game, you are in essence giving their game validity. That is my point. I can understand why people do it, I just don't think it is the best way.
my mom was emailing a group thread of rhetoric about isis and armageddon, and i finally got sick of it and said some pretty intense harsh things about ideals, and wishing for armageddon.
then it went back and forth like some debate, all the while i am holding back unloading serious ttatt on my family.
i put a whole bunch of scriptures where the wonderful yahweh committed infanticide.
Faye... I fully understand that. The problem is when you fade you are still playing by "their" rules. Walking on eggshells to not stir the pot. No matter what I think of it or what you or anyone else thinks of "fading" it is a shortsighted solution. Take your stand and don't allow the shunning.
I love my mother dearly. If I had just faded, walked on eggshells to not stir the pot to protect our relationship, she would not be on her journey out of this cult. Instead I made the decision to get completely out and simply do not allow her to shun me. What is your family going to do... call the police to force you off of their property?? Even if your family were to do that... MAKE THEM!!
old school witnesses thrived on the fact they were different and persecuted for it.
it was a point of pride.. i think the whole witness experience is much more social based for younger and newer witnesses.
that may be why so many newer ones that come to this board cannot understand or accept some of the information we present here about how things "used to be".
Hey listener... I had an aunt that was awesome at putting together large congregation gatherings. I remember when it just stopped when I was a teenager and I had no idea why.
Now, looking at all these non-witness songs being played in the kingdom hall is pretty surreal. Although I try not to get to worked up about it because this new phenomenon does appear normal and us older school dubs look silly saying "thats bullshit 'cause I couldnt play worldly songs in my wedding"
growing up, i never ever even saw these guys faces, or even knew their names.
all of a sudden they're on my computer screen, tv, and on every other magazine coming out of the watchtower machine.
why all the glamour now?
I guess you would consider my mother an "older one" She is much more awake to what the org is all about but her entire social world is encompassed in the church. We were just talking the other day and this very point of how non-discreet these guys are is just another nail in the coffin for her.
I think its been mentioned before but I think this is part of the circle the wagons strategy. I think this will help wake up those on the fence and solidify the die hards.
I do not wish anyone death but when Morris does go, pissing on his gravestone is going on my bucket list.
my mom was emailing a group thread of rhetoric about isis and armageddon, and i finally got sick of it and said some pretty intense harsh things about ideals, and wishing for armageddon.
then it went back and forth like some debate, all the while i am holding back unloading serious ttatt on my family.
i put a whole bunch of scriptures where the wonderful yahweh committed infanticide.
This is the entire problem with fading summed up here by fayedunaway.... "if you want to fade, you've got to back away from this" Essentially this is saying if you want to fade, you literally have to not be who you want to be. I will not deny anyone their right to fade if that is the way they choose to take but you have had to conform long enough, GTFO and be who YOU want to be! You very well may lose some friends and family but personal freedom IS worth it.