I think the African-American female form is beautiful!!!!
Wait.... is this off topic??
take a look at the linked ap photograph and tell me what you think:.
- miss black u.s., miss black georgia and miss black teen .
what would the likes of al sharpton say if the hallowed event this weekend at the edmund pettus bridge in selma, alabama had been attended by a miss white u.s., miss white georgia and miss white teen?
I think the African-American female form is beautiful!!!!
Wait.... is this off topic??
hey guys,.
so, something amazing happened recently.
i recently met with an old and very good friend of mine.
Even if you were younger when you got babtized, you still willingly joined. My take is to willingly leave.
You joined and now you are leaving. Officially. Do you want your name associated with an organization that protects pedophiles?? Do you want your name associated with a group that assists in destroying families? Do not do it to help them "close their books". Do it because you want to. If you fade you are playing "not to lose" Play to win. GTFO and YOU take YOUR name off THEIR BOOKS.
Most importantly though, do it because YOU want to. That is THE only reason.
for those who have left and are still in contact with jw family, how do you usually respond when they bring up jw stuff, i.e.
start talking about the nearness of armageddon or things like that.. i usually say nothing and just let it pass but i'm considering changing tact to something more confrontational, less because i want to change their mind and more because i find it tiresome.
I left about three years... damn.. more like 6 now.. holy cow... I simply refuse to let them shun me. I show up at my mom's, take care of a lot of upkeep on her house as well as mowing and snowblowing.. Just do not allow it. It really is that simple. What are your family members going to do?? Call the police on you? Let them call the police to kick you off of their property and see if that does not make an impression on them.
When my brother is in town I take the same approach, no one is going to tell me I cannot see my family. (including my family) and no one should tell you that you cannot see your family.
You can determine what you talk or dont talk about but do not allow them to shun you. They do not realize it but they are counting on YOU to show them what unconditional love is.
DIZZY... I also hated the fact that I was raised in this cult. But you cant be where you are today w/out going down the road you came from.... You woke up. That is the important thing and dont ever forget it! Never again is my motto now!
I agree with others here.... jw tv is going to be a godsend (no pun intended) for many, many people.
Hey dizzy.... Glad your here! Not sure of your story but I am glad you had the courage to join! Only in a cult do you need courage to join a website!!
When cappy put shit-ee up there I immediately thought of molestee-ee for that douce splane and couldnt stop laughing at work! As long as we can make ourselves laugh i guess...
Again, welcome!
the public talk on sunday was about evolution.. my son pointed out flaws in the speakers arguments during and after the meeting... mostly about how animals aren't able to communicate etc.
he even brought up coco the ape that is able to communicate via sign.. i told him that i heard a ton of inconsistencies but i am afraid to say anything because your mom will get angry :).
im glad he is paying attention.. and the school system must be doing something right..
That is awesome!! Especially because he felt like he could talk to you about it. Keep encouraging him to!
Nice work.
grumpy... happy... dopey and molestee-ee
and shitee-ee
ummm... i think i shit my pants!! roflmao!!!
What an impressive bunch of goofy looking bastards...
a friend of mine has a one year old he wants to get joint custody of with his jw ex wife.
he is dfd.
he told me the elders already testified for his ex and lied in court.
The user "outsmartthesystem" sent me a packet that he and his lawyer came up with. If you pm him he was willing to send it to people. It is very good.