I could give two shits about the adults in this hall. In this day and age where virtually all kids have access to google and are not afraid to use it, (unlike us adults at first) at least one kid will google that name. The adults are a lost cause. They are either on cruise control or they are not willing to make the needed sacrifice for their own personal freedom. The children do not have that choice. They are forced to be there. Somebody coming into their public meeting hall and openly questioning a group of men that "should never be questioned" is HUGE to a child while at the same time reinforcing the completely indoctrinated ones that they are under persecution.
It seems like those who disapprove do so because it is not polite or not in good taste. Unconventional religions need to be dealt with in unconventional ways. I do not need to stand up and make a scene at the lutheran church i go to because I can openly disagree with members or pastors and not have my family ripped away from me.
There is more than one way to skin a cat