cmon deej... your hurting my feelings.
Armed deacons? Dubs dying of heart attacks? They sky is not falling bro...not now and not in the future.
I am going to guess you were not born in.
to funny nice job....
cmon deej... your hurting my feelings.
Armed deacons? Dubs dying of heart attacks? They sky is not falling bro...not now and not in the future.
I am going to guess you were not born in.
to funny nice job....
Dont rock the boat... be respectful...this was rude and disrespectful...
I heard this same shit for 30 years as a born in. I never wanted to rock the boat, i was always respectful for fear of displeasing my mother, the elders and most of all our great jehovah. I do not claim this was for the kiddies. I do not have any idea if this was done for personal shits and giggles or if they genuinely wanted to help people wake up. This is another tactic. Right or wrong, bad or good, it is another tactic. If it helped even one person to have a distant light of doubt in their brain turned on it was worth it. Who knows how the light of skepticism starts in a person? There is more than one way to skin a cat.
You all can think it was counterproductive and maybe it was. All I know is I remember having doubts as a kid that were squashed as soon as I brought them up. If something like this had happened during a time when I was doubting my faith maybe, just maybe this would have allowed my doubts to grow stronger instead of the constant drum beating those doubts received at the hall.
You can all keep sitting still, making sure to not rock the boat then wake up after 50 years realizing that this was all bullshit. When I finally had my doubts encouraged instead of squashed it was game over for my faith. As for me and my household, we got the fuck out. I lost most longtime "friends" and family but gained my personal freedom.
To each his own. Good luck in your journey
to funny nice job....
"Everybody knows god is not gay.... He hates them" Ricky Gervais
to funny nice job....
Brainless are the people who stay in the cult. You and I simply disagree on tactics on helping people get out of the cult. I cannot say that all kids will google the name just like you cannot say no kids will. I am not sure how old you are but I have two children that are teen age and they go to google for EVERYTHING. That is how it is today.
I was going to swear but you seem to have used them all up in your post.....
to funny nice job....
I could give two shits about the adults in this hall. In this day and age where virtually all kids have access to google and are not afraid to use it, (unlike us adults at first) at least one kid will google that name. The adults are a lost cause. They are either on cruise control or they are not willing to make the needed sacrifice for their own personal freedom. The children do not have that choice. They are forced to be there. Somebody coming into their public meeting hall and openly questioning a group of men that "should never be questioned" is HUGE to a child while at the same time reinforcing the completely indoctrinated ones that they are under persecution.
It seems like those who disapprove do so because it is not polite or not in good taste. Unconventional religions need to be dealt with in unconventional ways. I do not need to stand up and make a scene at the lutheran church i go to because I can openly disagree with members or pastors and not have my family ripped away from me.
There is more than one way to skin a cat
this is my first post here though i've been a long time lurker.
my story in a nutshell:.
started having doubts after the new silver sword and watchtower study regarding overlapping generations.
dgeero.... That is excellent. The worst enemy of the society is the society. The memorial is one of my ex-wife's "holidays" for our placement schedule. Every year I tell my girls "What does jesus tell you to do with the wine and bread and what do the elders tell you to do with the wine and bread" they are both early teens and this has had a huge influence on them. Use whatever you can.... Good luck
to funny nice job....
William, I can picture my mother there as well. My mother chose this religion. She CHOSE this religion. Think of all the kids in that hall that heard the name and will google the name that came up. Instead of years of dreaded pounding from only the kingdom hall, watchtowers and brochures they all of a sudden have something exciting happen at a kingdom hall. Younger kids WILL check that out. As much as I do not like to say it, your mother and my mother chose their paths. They are laying in the bed they made. While this may not help the older ones... the older ones really don't matter. Get the kids out!
to funny nice job....
Rude.. check
disrespectful... check
It is also funny and most likely will not help any of the die-hards or people who stay trapped because they dont want to lose any "relationships" However, there is no doubt in my mind that the younger people will search this stuff out. No one can help people get out until they are ready but for any kids that really are trapped by parents who simply dont get it or dont want to get it can be helped by this type of whistle blowing.
The jw business model is genius. Train kids up from infancy to NEVER question anything at the kingdom hall. When a kid sees this model blatantly interrupted RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT DATE FOR JW"S they can see first hand that in fact it is possible to question this church. The jw bubble works because people do not want to make waves and want to be polite and most important they just don't pop the bubble. If this stunt popped the bubble for even ONE teenager it is worth it.
If you were hoodwinked into this church and lost years of your life before you finally woke up then that is your own fault. If you were born in like I was and had no choice to be in this cult, this would have been awesome. Fuck the people who look at this and are reinforced into this cult. We only have a short time on this earth and every second you spend in this cult is a second of wasted personal freedom. Get the kids out... the sooner the better.
this is my first post here though i've been a long time lurker.
my story in a nutshell:.
started having doubts after the new silver sword and watchtower study regarding overlapping generations.
The fact that you have weekly conversations is a big deal. Do not feel like you have to force anything. If you are able to converse with them on a regular basis, they will get out in their own time. Share with them what you are learning, the old "jehovah" calendar, the anti-disfellowshipping awake, the un story and all the other strange small topics that start to pick up steam after a while.
You cannot control what others do but do not allow them to shun you. Simple as that.
judicial committee invitation comes, with be there or be square consequences.. ( come or we will df you ).
what are the sure fire, tested and true tactics that will keep the elders off your back?
( for good ).
"you will have my resignation letter before the end of the week" = true freedom
Never look back