i am not wanting to turn this into a circle jerk but your post on Freedom, Free Speech... was very good. I cannot speak for ninja but I do not think defending the right of these kids to do what they did should imply agreement with what they did. All sorts of assumptions were made about my cranial activity because I/we chose to defend the rights of those kids to go into a public service, make their statement and then leave within minutes.
Could it have escalated? Sure it could have but it did not. We can only comment on what we saw. They spoke up and left. I at least agree with most of the posters that it is highly unlikely that anything they said was helpful. If one person in that hall googled the name and had a seed of doubt planted than I say it was worth it. If they took out a knife and carved that guys facebook page into the forehead of an infant than I would be the first to stand up and say their actions were egregious, I do have some standards. But again, that did not happen.