Welcome to the age of paid clergy...
coming soon to a kingdom hall near you!!
I might rejoin if that happens!
Elder Pbrow has a nice ring to it
the elders in this area are getting burned out.
i have overheard comments that demonstrate this, but in my dealings with them, i clearly see it.
they can't keep it straight.
Welcome to the age of paid clergy...
coming soon to a kingdom hall near you!!
I might rejoin if that happens!
Elder Pbrow has a nice ring to it
i proably shouldnt be on here but i feel like saying this.
i have been for the last couple weeks been studying religion.
i've learned the only ones who today do what the bible says to is jw.
I would not be surprised if believer has left this thread but hopefully not the site.
Troll or not, intentional or not... When I was starting to question things 7 years ago, these are exactly the types of threads i pored over. I spent months looking for exactly these types of threads.
It is completely obvious the exhausting amount of work that has been put into the thoughtful posts by our members here. Posts that are so easily dismissed or just outright ingnored. When questions are posed and just downright ignored, it made me realize that they just have no legs to stand on.
post away believer... You are helping more than you could ever know
hello, i'm new here.. i'm a college student who has been raised in the "truth" for my entire life.
i was baptized at 10 years old, and looking back now i know i didn't fully grasp everything involved, for one thing i don't even recall ever going to jehovah in a special prayer to dedicate myself to him, but anyway that's the past and my focus is really on the present.
i'm currently pursuing an associates degree, but i find myself desiring to pursue a bachelors in my chosen field so that i may have a somewhat more secure future.
getting out while still young... priceless!
Only you can determine what your next step is. Remember though that people will treat you poorly only if you allow them to. If you have people in your life that treat you poorly, cut them out of your life like the cancer they are.
Whether you decide to make a clean break or fade you are in an envious position. I am sure you are nervous because of the unknown of depending completely on yourself. You can and will get to the other side of this decision. Personal freedom is worth every moment of anxiety and every drop of sweat that you will no doubt have to go through. Be true to yourself and keep searching!
good luck,
so i got a text from an elder who i consider one of the good guys and a friend in his own way.. he asked if he could bring the co by for a visit.
he said it would be "just a pleasant call and visit and will hopefully encourage my wife".
he says that "he knows she is dealing with a ton of pressure".. in all my years around the organization, i never had a visit from the circuit overseer.
" I am kind of nervous and I don't really know why. I haven't done anything LOL"
My completely uneducated guess is that your nervousness stems from your just "fading"... which from the co's and your elder friend's view is that you are still playing by their rules and you are still a card carrying member of your church.
In my unlettered view, you have done what we long time and born-in witnesses are exceptional at.... Nothing... waiting and seeing.... you are a fader. As long as you keep yourself in the faded class, you are still part of their system. GTFO and stir the pot a bit.
Buck your system.
very stressfull and upsetting evening was had last night.
i dropped my 2yo daughter off to my ex-wifes home.
all seemed good until i got home.
Even though your girl is only 2 years old she will not be that way forever. If anything in this world is true, having an ex who is an uber-jdub is extremely frustrating. I have had good and bad results with a lawyer and without. Only you can determine how you want to proceed. Court is extremely expensive with a lawyer and at least moderately expensive w/out one.
The courts I have been in (wisconsin) do not give two shits about the religion, hers or yours. Do not make it about religion in the courts, simply make it about behaviors. For your girl, make sure you get AT LEAST 50/50 custody. When they are young that is what is most important. NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT then placement. Give her a normal life, friends, activities, holidays, sports and as she gets older the insane bubble world of the jdubs will become painfully obvious to her.
I have two young teens now. I got out when they were 5 and 3. You are going to be extremely frustrated for literally the next 16 years. Accept it and always remember that showing your daughter that a normal life is ok. It is more important than anything, your frustration especially. It is a long road but it is completely worth it. The lives my girls lead is awesome.... great friends, great grades, involved in school and sports, love the holidays and most importantly they ask questions and do not accept asinine reasoning.
Good luck, the fight is worth it.
lasting memory of the latter period of time in the organisation:.
i had a route call with the magazines whom i'd called on for a number of years.
eventually when i become a parent i became consumed with negativity, doubt (blood issue) & depression.
I know I am late to this party but.... here is an extremely sympathetic, emotional FUCK YEAH!!!!
I cant describe what these types of posts do for my soul other then a swelling of happiefiedness!!! Welcome to the REAL world! You have taken a monumental step forward for your child/ren!
Truly awesome!
i have not been active here lately just lurking mostly but i have no one to talk to and i need some help i guess.i started working out and became friends with my personal trainer(we went to school together).i started going out with him(lying to my mother about what i was doing,another thing to add to the list of lies,it's becoming too easy!
) and i notice i'm slowly becoming the worldy people that the jw's described.i've become very selfish and rude and very apathetic towards everything and everyone.i always thought the values that jw's taught were really good.if i cut ties with the only friend i have now , i would probably slip into a deep depression and i that is something that i want to avoid at all costs.i start university in january and my plan was to stick it out in the organisation until i got my degree and became fully independant but as of late a elder told me i am being considered to become a m.s and told me what i need to work on and since then the other elders have been nagging me to work on the same things.i'm trying to rid my self of my 'priveleges' in the cong but nothings working...if anyone has experienced a similar situation what advice would you give?
, oh and my mom was always super into the religion having been a pioneer and bethel worker for years but we went to the regional convention two weeks ago and now she is even more exasperating (for example a sister asked my why i was 19 years old and not a ms or serving at bethel yet, which is fine i've learnt how to deal with these questions but when i told my mother whom has always been content with me just being in the religion and never pushed me towards anything asked me if i was happy with what i was and if i would not be happier at bethel or regular pioneering.
you have been mind fucked from being raised in this church. You can call it selfish if you want (jdubs will surely call it that) but see it for what it is. You are starting to realize that you want things in life and that is ok but it goes against everything we born ins were taught. Go get what you want. Go to school, have fun and start to experience life that many of us wish we had woken up to MUCH earlier then you have!
Good luck brother!
some were humble, but their were a few pompous asses who thought they were gods gift to the org and acted like they were ceo's of a fortune 500 company...
Thanks blondie...
Only one that i remember actually wanting to go to the meetings to see.
My best buddy's grandpa Hank (hankster the gangster) Stasko followed in his footsteps (not as co) and would have us kids up on the stage a few times a year.
some were humble, but their were a few pompous asses who thought they were gods gift to the org and acted like they were ceo's of a fortune 500 company...
Brother Limon... was in madison wi area in the early 80's... Always brought us kids up on the stage and did Bible story book "trivia"
I loved that guy
abuse is such a serious word and i'd hate to use it lightly so if anyone reading this has suffered physical or sexual abuse please know that i absolutely do not equate religious abuse with your suffering.
that being said, many of us were lied to and manipulated for decades.
this cultic 'abuse' has borne fruit in shattered relationships, broken families and estranged children.
good points all.
At some point though you have to stop being the victim and start actively being a survivor. It is easy to get into the victim mentality and stay there. Get out.... live a good life and if you have kids DO NOT FADE!!! Your kids are worth it !!