What the fuck is the gb going to do about it? What is anyone else going to do about it? She is a grown ass woman who does what she wants to do, including associate herself with this church. If we had more people like her still associating instead of fading away the jw's would be a much more normal church.
Get the fuck out, speak your voice. Swing by swing we can knock the teeth out of this cult. The more people that just up and leave, drink the wine and give a speech, refuse the judicial committess, refuse to be shunned and just outright and do what the fuck they want to... the more "normal" this church will become.
Stop wondering why Serena can do this or prince can do that... who gives a shit! Being a witness taught to you "do nothing" and "wait on jehovah" Take your life back and start doing what you want to do! Live the only life we can absolutely be sure that we have!