Like I said, slippery slope. So you now want to legislate what groups I can or cannot join?
Fuck you! (not literally you but anyone telling me what group I can or cannot join)
I spent 30 years of my life getting marching orders from this group. It was not until I started thinking for myself that I got out. When I realized that there was indeed NOTHING keeping me inside, the only walls keeping me in were in my own head.... walls that I could knock down ANYTIME I wanted to. Did I suffer consequences of making the decision to take my life back? Sure... welcome to the real fucking life.
I can concede that certain actions are asinine or maybe even extreme but individual liberty is worth the price of having certain individuals or even groups with ideologies that are "extreme"
Choosing who I want talk to or do not talk to or what medical treatment I want is a personal decision that I want to be allowed to make for myself.