Really?? I do have it.. Thanks bro
does anyone know where i can get a full copy of the "advertise" speech?
i cannot find it on the interwebs or using the search function.
i thought it was published in an old watchtower but i am not sure.... thanks for any help,.
Really?? I do have it.. Thanks bro
does anyone know where i can get a full copy of the "advertise" speech?
i cannot find it on the interwebs or using the search function.
i thought it was published in an old watchtower but i am not sure.... thanks for any help,.
Hello all,
Does anyone know where I can get a full copy of the "advertise" speech?
I cannot find it on the interwebs or using the search function. I thought it was published in an old Watchtower but I am not sure...
Thanks for any help,
i am responding to a post by someone the other day about a black girl beaten by a mob of other black teens for "acting too white.
" the poster was trying to drive home the idea black people commit more crimes against themselves then white people do to them.
while it is true some black people do insult other black people who they believe are trying to fit in with caucasian people, white people, hispanics, asians, and other races do the same exact thing to people in their ethnic group as well.
98.5% of all crime is committed by one race on another......
"69.2% of all statistics on the internet are made up" Abraham Lincoln
i think as black&white thinking becomes lesser governments will start makeing laws that will put cults open for more lawsuits.
what do you think..
The watchtower does not deprive people of speaking with their parents or children. The watchtower does not deprive children of blood transfusions. The watchtower does not hold a gun to anyones head. Thats what totalitarian goverments like china and north korea do to their people. The watchtower is not some obscure clandestine headless agency "making people" do things they dont want to do. As much as people hate hearing "corporations are people" it is a true statement. Its the same way with cults. Cults are people. Weak minded people but people nontheless.
In a free society you cannot remove cults (christianity, islam etc...) I agree with many here, take away tax exempt status, give children needed medical care but people are free to no receive care if they dont want it.
The solution to all cults is open discussion & debate. Logic and reason will win out in the long run.
well, now that we had an outstanding august, an extention to aux pioneer in september is being offered.
you can offer the tract again, and again, and again.
offer it at the dr's office, the gym, the laundromat, the theatre, the bus stops, etc.
qb... correction for you... the bums in my area have cell phones and internet access.... oh the problems of 1st world countries
i wonder if anybody else has wondered about the differences between those 2 flights?
in the malaysian flight that crashed from 30,000 feet high, tons of wreckage, body parts, bodies, documents, etc, all over the place.
yet in the pa flight 93, just a crater in the ground, no bodies, everything supposedly vaporized.
I think it was the late Hitchens who said something to the effect of (I am quotting loosely here) "The smartest president in the history the the United States could not hide getting a blowjob in the Whitehouse but the dumbest president in history could hide & cover up arguably the greatest terrorist attack against us in four different locations"
And besides.... Steel doesnt melt... there is no way the bldgs were not rigged with explosives!! (sarcasm finished)
okay, let's do a big what-if: suppose the gb for its own unfathomable reasons suddenly got new light (tm) and decided to start appointing women elders and ministerial servants.
they would, of course, refer to the examples of junia (apostle), and priscilla and phoebe (deaconesses in wordlyspeak) in the greek scriptures; never mind what mental somersaults it would take to get them there.
stranger things have happened in wt history.. that being the case, would having women in positions of real authority make any significant difference in the congos or in the borg as a whole, and why or why not?.
Hey Focus.........
You could post that every day and I would not tire of it....
i believe the organization is already easing up on disfellowshipping people for apostasy.
they know most doubters just want to be left alone.
disfellowshipping them turns them into martyrs.
What they need to do is go back to the 1946?? Watchtower that equates excommunication w/ paganism. I believe if they would just stop with harsh stance on disfellowshipping / dissassociation that they would not lose as many people as they and others on this board think they would lose. You would be free to question but free to worship how you choose. They would certainly have to back track on other items as well but they could become more like the catholic church. People could have their crazy beliefs and eat them too.
found it...... 47 watchtower....
can' .
can' .