Steve2.. I am not saying there actions are right, but I will not go so far as to say they are wrong. I am saying it takes all kinds of unorthodox ways to get people out of unorthodox situations. I would NEVER do what these guys did. I agree with the majority that this was juvenile. Just because this would not have worked on you or me does not mean it wont work on someone else. This endless parade of "idiots, morons, this will never work is pointless. If dubs wont change until they are ready then If it helped jar one person's faith is it worth it?
My frankness in saying "they lie in the bed they made" is simply acknowledging the obvious fact that they choose to be there. It does not imply that I dont care for the 60+ friends and family members I lost when I left or the millions more who are still stuck in. My goal is to have an impact on the people around me. I take that responsibility very seriously.