Who cares about the watchtower? They are not going to change. You have one mission... for your daughter to grow up an independant, critical thinking strong woman. I think its awesome that you encourage her to get involved. Keep doing that! Sports, clubs, dances and everything that normal kids do. Not sure how old your daughter is but she will see this scam for what it is soon enough. Have open conversations with her, talk about the inconsistencies of this church when compared with other churches. Have kids from school over, allow her to go to other kids houses. YOU are the man in a male dominated religion. Use that to your advantage!!
She will get flack from her jdub friends and relatives but thats ok. Talk about it. Talk about what good influences are and what they are not. Religious preference does not determine what a good influence is. My youngest gets flack because she misses meetings and service because of her sports but guess what? SHE GETS TO PLAY SPORTS and be involved in NORMAL school activities. Like the scripture says.. bad association spoils useful habits. Give her some "bad association" and habits like service and meetings will be spoiled permanently!