I suppose the uk judge chose a good time to talk about personal responsibility in the world in which we live. Seems like a common sense. Good for her
this judge ask the rape victim "why couldn't you just keep your knees together", wth.
he acquitted the man accused in the case after deciding his testimony was more credible.
story "canada judge resigns over "keep your knees together comment" and he later became a jw, he will make a good one.....
I suppose the uk judge chose a good time to talk about personal responsibility in the world in which we live. Seems like a common sense. Good for her
i have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
Not sure if I follow you blondie, I certainly do not think of the term born in as a pejorative. It is the only class of jdubs that deserve some pity. Born ins are truly screwed from the start. People may choose to join or leave but the born ins have no choice. They are the only group of dubs that matter.
Cow eyed adults may be further entrenched by goofy acts of defiance but my focus is not on the adults. They have made their choice and are cozy in the bed they have made. Plant the seed in one born in and it is worth it.
the watchtower library is a great tool to learn more about the watchtower itself.
for example, answering the question "does the word "organization" ever appear in the bible"?
is easy to answer using it.
or these..
Romans 14:5-6
One man judges one day as above another, another judges one day the same as all others; let each one be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day observes it to jehovah. Also, the one who eats, eats to jehovah, for he gives thanks to god; and the one who does not eat does not eat to jehovah, and yet gives thanks to god.
Colossians 2:16
Therefore, do not let anyone judge you about what you eat and drink or about the observance of a festival or of the new moon or of a sabbath.
Do not start thinking for yourself!!!!
i have a little sister havnt seen or heard from in 20 years she was da for attending a church she was 17 at the time she moved out and lived with a family not jw's in fact they are very a posed to jw's the past 20 years i've tried to make contact she won't respond all i know is she's got kids 2 or 3 of them she lives outside charlotte nc and works for a insurance company as an underwriter.
i think her husband is a police officer ?
being back in her life having a niece or nephew to watch grow up would be nice.
deadman... Selfish is ok, selfish is good. You have wasted how long being "selfless" in the work of the lord? You allowed yourself to be controlled by a cult but you are awake! At the end of the day, that is all that matters!
You have made bad decisions in the past but WE ALL HAVE! You treated your sister poorly but now you want to apologize for that. That is admirable. You want to have her and her family in your life now. That is normal. Do not be easily discouraged but take the advice of the many people that support you and make the decision that is best for your circumstances.
Good luck!
2 cents tor here...i was just thinking...most of the folks who don't go to church yet they worship god, also not fanatical, is god showing what a sham religion is.
we see many today do care about each other but not really into religion.
most of the folks i meet are much nicer than people in places of worship.
"just another thought...of why god may not chose folks from church..."
The sooner you realize that any statement by any religious person in the history of the world is "just another thought" the better off you will be.
When I was a babe i use to believe as a babe, when I became a man I put away childish beliefs
i have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
kpop.... Almost everyone in this forum is saying "dont do it" or "you will hurt other peoples feeling"
I am not sure if any of those people are born ins or not but I was forced into this church and everytime I wanted to go out for sports i was told "dont do it" When I wanted to voice my opinions to others those close to me would say "you will hurt other peoples feelings"
If you are a born in, you had an entire childhood of being told what to do, what to say and who to say it to with no freedom of expression or freedom of thought. You obviously have to make your own decision, but please dont listen to the folks saying "you will only reinforce the jw view of apostates" Maybe you will, maybe you wont, maybe fuck them.
Do not be violent, do not be drunk and give them something to think about. or don't. You get to make your own choices now!
Good luck
i have a little sister havnt seen or heard from in 20 years she was da for attending a church she was 17 at the time she moved out and lived with a family not jw's in fact they are very a posed to jw's the past 20 years i've tried to make contact she won't respond all i know is she's got kids 2 or 3 of them she lives outside charlotte nc and works for a insurance company as an underwriter.
i think her husband is a police officer ?
being back in her life having a niece or nephew to watch grow up would be nice.
Not sure how long you have been out deadman but make sure you are physically and especially emotionally out. I have found lots of people that were df but were still mentally in.
Like many others here you can talk w/ df'd people who still think this is a group that "generally gets it right" but are imperfect humans. If that describes you in any way do not contact her yet. Do some more digging, jwfacts, crisis of conscience. Get completely out before you make contact w/ someone who was treated the way your sister was treated.
what do you think it will take to get the defenders, and equivocators to stop their apologetics?.
i'm beginning to wonder if we will literally see the king walking down the street with no clothes and still have the equivicators on this board make excuses.
It will probably take a nuclear war. With the constant state of panic and end times talk coming from anyone who disagrees with trump, I would say a nuclear war.
Trump is attempting to govern and almost everything he does is being fought against. Last I checked that is how it works in the good ol' USA.
It is difficult to defend him against shutting down the news media and closing internet websites but... meh... what can you do.
i have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
Hey kpop... i say go for it. Dont be a dick, dont do anything violent but I am sure they are still "warmly welcoming" anyone who wants to attend.
Say your piece and get out.
a friend of mine (a jw) delivered a premature baby, and the outlook is grim.. she is posting updates on facebook, and where everyone else is offering prayers for them both, and how "jehovah loves them both very much", and i got...nothing.
nothing that would be comforting.
big man in the sky has zero to do with this, only medical science and chance will have any bearing on this.i wish i could lie convincingly to her and to myself and have something nice to say.
In reality, those friends really have nothing to say. Jehovah loves both of you is essentially saying nothing. All you have to offer is you. Offer yourself in any way you feel able to.
At the end of the day what more can any of us offer other then ourselves.