kimbal summers
JoinedI was raised a JW for some 30 years and was baptized at 14 in 1973. I left over the Neo-Babylonian chronology. In fact, Disfellowshipped for questioning the validity of the 1914 date. I was a Ministeral Servant for some 4 years in the Glenroy and Thomastown congregations in Victoria Australia. I had a massive JW library, one of the biggest in Australia, containing over 300 volumes of Russells 'Studies in the Scriptures' alone, some 60 volumes of Millenial dawns, Xerox Copies of Most if not all issues of Barbour's copies of 'Herald of the Morning'( second adventist material) 7 or 8 copies of The Photo Drama of Creation, Boxes of Brand New Pioneer and Elder Books, two full runs of year books to 1927 and Birthday record books from Russell; Intra organizational Stationary and many other rare and hard to get goodies out of Bethel's libraries and files. Even a run of Tax returns for the Australian Branch office was included in my personal collection. I can also add a full run of USA, British and Australian Kingdom Ministries(each being different in quotation on the 1975 date and comments) to my personal collection, with a full run of 'Watchtowers' and 'Awakes' to the first issue in original copies. This should give you an idea of where I'm comming from and how serious a collector I was during my Witness Years. Our family came into "the truth" in 1961, my parents being baptized within the first 1 million JW's world wide at the 1963 District assembly at the Melbourne Exihibition Buildings in Australia. I still have one brother in the J.Ws whom has cut off the family; yet he knows about the Chronology problems, but ignores them. All 5 other members are out parents where Bill and Valerie Summers. I am the eldest out of 4 boys (and no sisters) and probably the most serious student of the religous doctrine within my family.More Info to those whom ask. My Email is [email protected]