Like some of the other board members, I never knew Eric, but I know him from his posts. I liked him right off the bat. There was a time when I was going through some really dark depression and drinking episodes because of extremely harsh and nasty dealings concerning my JW parents. I nearly ate a bullet over it. But my friends from this baord, and others saw my posts and made me give them my phone number so they could talk to me and reason with me. It helped. A LOT! My wife helped me pull through and supported me immensely (I love you Bev!) The main thing that kept me from doing myself in was the thought of how devastating it would have been for my wife and non-jw family. I listened to reason, and was able to turn things around for the better.
I can identify with oompa's pain. It hurts me deeply that Eric was unable to overcome his sadness and felt he needed to do this. At the same time, I can so understand the devastation of being betrayed by his wife, family and friends. Particularly his wife. That is a sting that is too painful for me to comprehend. If my wife, who had vowed to stick with me and support me betrayed me like his wife betrayed him, I'd have probably not been able to recover either. As sad as this is, I take comfort in knowing that this wonderful, intelligent, loving, caring man is no longer in the severe mental anguish and pain any longer.
Goodbye and fare the well Eric Reeder. We love you, and will remember you always! *sniff sniff*