The U.S. government is over sixteen something trillion dollars in debt. How could the economy change for the better? There's no way to pay back that kind of money. It's going to get to the point where our money is worth nothing.
JoinedPosts by TimeBandit
So Do You Think The Economy Will Change For The Better, Remain The Same Or Get Worse?
by minimus inwhat's your prediction?.
Moment of silence for Oompa
by andys ini can be very emotional about certain things and when i heard about oompa, even though i don't know him i was sometimes in tears about it, i will miss his posts, what i want to do for oompa is to have a moment of silence for him, i know i don't post on here much am more of a lurker but also i want everyone else to have a moment of silence also for our friend and also for all the others who have committed suicide because of the watchtowers policys..
I think we just found a winner for the biggest jackass on the entire forum prize.... His name is Nathan. Pull your head out of your ass buddy. You are just a trouble maker. What you have been saying is totally inapproriate and disrespectful. You ought to be ashamed.
Video tribute to Oompa (Eric Reeder)
by cedars ini didn't know eric particularly well, and i feel terrible that i didn't reach out to him more or try to help him while i still had the opportunity.. i feel extremely helpless, but the least i can do is help others remember him who knew him better.. here is a video i've uploaded to youtube in his honor.... .
i hope it helps us as we mourn a much-loved member of this forum.. .
Wow, that made me weep. A very touching tribute Cedars. Thanks.
What Can We Do to Show How We Cared about Oompa?
by Band on the Run ini know others have posted on the original thread.
several people, including myself, would like to do something concrete to show our concerns re: his treatment by the jw, and how important he was to all of us here.
i suggested a handwritten note, on behalf of the whole community here, flowers, and perhaps a donation to a charity that helps people get back on their feet.
Sending tons of flowers to his old KH might result in them being thrown out, but just think about what a powerful VIDEO that would make...If someone could capture that on video and post it with an explanation of what is going on, the witnesses could be publicly shown for what they are. Unloving and uncaring about people...Just a thought.
SAD news about OOMPA......
by redredrose inour friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
Like some of the other board members, I never knew Eric, but I know him from his posts. I liked him right off the bat. There was a time when I was going through some really dark depression and drinking episodes because of extremely harsh and nasty dealings concerning my JW parents. I nearly ate a bullet over it. But my friends from this baord, and others saw my posts and made me give them my phone number so they could talk to me and reason with me. It helped. A LOT! My wife helped me pull through and supported me immensely (I love you Bev!) The main thing that kept me from doing myself in was the thought of how devastating it would have been for my wife and non-jw family. I listened to reason, and was able to turn things around for the better.
I can identify with oompa's pain. It hurts me deeply that Eric was unable to overcome his sadness and felt he needed to do this. At the same time, I can so understand the devastation of being betrayed by his wife, family and friends. Particularly his wife. That is a sting that is too painful for me to comprehend. If my wife, who had vowed to stick with me and support me betrayed me like his wife betrayed him, I'd have probably not been able to recover either. As sad as this is, I take comfort in knowing that this wonderful, intelligent, loving, caring man is no longer in the severe mental anguish and pain any longer.
Goodbye and fare the well Eric Reeder. We love you, and will remember you always! *sniff sniff*
Elder accepts literature from a lady at the door
by TimeBandit inhi folks.
just taking a quick break from packing, and thought i'd pop in and say hey.
today i had a memory from field service pop up and i'd like to share it.. .
Hi folks. Just taking a quick break from packing, and thought I'd pop in and say hey. Today i had a memory from field service pop up and I'd like to share it.
One day back in the early 2000's I was out in service with Bobby, an elder. We were working a street where the houses sat right on the bank of the Rio Grande river. It was fall, and a bit chilly. So, Bobby and I were walking up to a house and a man and woman came out.
Bobby's turn to speak at the door. He begins his presentation that had to do with war ending and a peaceful new world or something like that. The woman holds up a book and says they are studying about Revelation. Bobby listens to her and mentions that we too have a book about Revelation, and asks them if they would like to have one to study.
The woman said "I tell you what, if you take one of my Revelation books and look at it, I'll take the one you offered me..." Bobby accepted her deal with a smile and said he'd be sure to read her book as soon as possible. Shortly after that we left and walked back to the car since that was the last house on the street.
As we were walking we passed by a dumpster. Bobby quickly opened the dumpster and threw the book the nice lady game him inside. I didn't say anything but I wanted to. I wanted to ask him why he didn't look at her book like he promised. I wanted to ask him why it was ok to lie to that woman. What if he went back and she asked him what he thought about the book she gave him. He'd have to back peddle and explain why he didn't read it, or say he hadn't had the chance yet.
I wanted to tell Bobby he is a douche-bag. I would have looked at her Revelation book. If Bobby hadn't been there I would have accepted her book and read it. Maybe I would have seen something in there that would have cast doubt towards the JW teachings. Maybe I would have started looking at other non witness teachings. I could have possibly started down the road of discovery and eventually seen the jws for who they are.
Ok, it's ten years after and I'm out now. It took a while, but I'm here.
Chris- -
by JamesThomas inhave you ever seen those videos where someone puts a lighter to their butt and lights a fart on fire?
you see this little poof, and then it's gone.. .
well, i was outside last night and decided to do the same.. .
"Want some candy little girl?"
Why wasn't the Issue of Universal Sovereignty raised amongst the angels long before Adam and Eve
by yadda yadda 2 inif there were millions of angels in existence long before adam and eve were created, how come god's sovereignty wasn't challenged in heaven long before the garden of eden?
why did this so-called issue only begin when adam and eve appeared?
how could there not be a single rebellious angel before the appearance of humans?
This reminds me of the movie 'The Prophecy' with Christopher Walken. Good ponderings Yadda Yadda. Why didn't the issue get started before the 'talking monkeys' were created?
Maybe the angels (including Satan, their spokesman) waited for us to come along in order to shift the focus onto us diverting god's attention away from them. Then, once Satan, Adam, and eve challenged god then some of the other angels came out of the closet and openly joined Satan to further distract god.
That makes me wonder how many angels are faders like some of you here on the forum...Maybe some of the angels currently in 'good standing' are 'mentally out' like ElderElite? How many angels are Just waiting for the right time to orchestrate a full blown regime change?
OMG, the GB will force the big A (Brazil: Doctrinal Changes)
by bats in the belfry inisn't that the picture the gb painted some years ago?.
whoever the "king of the north" may be or not, the gb will just declare one to be in existence.
and they will serve him "disturbing reports".
They're just waiting for an excuse to say the great tribulation has started. The nice thing about that (for them) is that they can claim it's the great trubulation and still continue to string jws along indefinitely just like they do now with armageddon...