Lick the juicy thighs,enjoy a bit of leg action,nibble on a breast,and as you dip your fingers into something moist and warm,enjoy the texture if it as it slides over your fingertips,even a bit of bone,warm & hard,yet smooth & slippery can be pleasant to feel,may this post help you think of ways to spend the evening......
JoinedPosts by TimeBandit
I apologise Lord
by StopTheTears ini apologize on behalf of my nation.
the united states of america has become a large sodom and gomorrah.i am so sorry lord, you deserve far much better.
you have blessed us with freedom.
I apologise Lord
by StopTheTears ini apologize on behalf of my nation.
the united states of america has become a large sodom and gomorrah.i am so sorry lord, you deserve far much better.
you have blessed us with freedom.
Do we have the right to criticize Jehovah's anointed ones?
by Christ Alone injehovah's witness.
no one must ever compromise any of the essential, life-saving truths from god, but to truly be part of the "one body" required of christians, everyone must compromise some personal beliefs, preferences, interpretations, etc.. the jewish christians in rome were commanded to give up the mosaic law.
this was a task that was most difficult for them.
Down with the 'anointed'! They suck...
Share your photo, only if you don't have any problem with it.
by wolfman85 ini like to share my picture with you and that you share yours with me.
but only if that does not represent any problem to you.
here is mine.
Heather, I sent you a message on facebook regarding the matter you wanted to tell me about. Nice pics everyone...
Share your photo, only if you don't have any problem with it.
by wolfman85 ini like to share my picture with you and that you share yours with me.
but only if that does not represent any problem to you.
here is mine.
So Do You Think The Economy Will Change For The Better, Remain The Same Or Get Worse?
by minimus inwhat's your prediction?.
The U.S. government is over sixteen something trillion dollars in debt. How could the economy change for the better? There's no way to pay back that kind of money. It's going to get to the point where our money is worth nothing.
Moment of silence for Oompa
by andys ini can be very emotional about certain things and when i heard about oompa, even though i don't know him i was sometimes in tears about it, i will miss his posts, what i want to do for oompa is to have a moment of silence for him, i know i don't post on here much am more of a lurker but also i want everyone else to have a moment of silence also for our friend and also for all the others who have committed suicide because of the watchtowers policys..
I think we just found a winner for the biggest jackass on the entire forum prize.... His name is Nathan. Pull your head out of your ass buddy. You are just a trouble maker. What you have been saying is totally inapproriate and disrespectful. You ought to be ashamed.
Video tribute to Oompa (Eric Reeder)
by cedars ini didn't know eric particularly well, and i feel terrible that i didn't reach out to him more or try to help him while i still had the opportunity.. i feel extremely helpless, but the least i can do is help others remember him who knew him better.. here is a video i've uploaded to youtube in his honor.... .
i hope it helps us as we mourn a much-loved member of this forum.. .
Wow, that made me weep. A very touching tribute Cedars. Thanks.
What Can We Do to Show How We Cared about Oompa?
by Band on the Run ini know others have posted on the original thread.
several people, including myself, would like to do something concrete to show our concerns re: his treatment by the jw, and how important he was to all of us here.
i suggested a handwritten note, on behalf of the whole community here, flowers, and perhaps a donation to a charity that helps people get back on their feet.
Sending tons of flowers to his old KH might result in them being thrown out, but just think about what a powerful VIDEO that would make...If someone could capture that on video and post it with an explanation of what is going on, the witnesses could be publicly shown for what they are. Unloving and uncaring about people...Just a thought.