Sometimes people make special connections to animals. Sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends. Yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
Ten years ago, as a newlywed my wife surprised me with Indy. She knew I had always wanted a big dog. A workmate of hers raised Great Danes and my wife secretly bought a pup surprised me with it. I was overjoyed. Indy was a fawn colored Dane with a black mask. He was a sweetheart from the beginning, and very smart. We had him house broken within two weeks.
Indy and I bonded quickly. He grew up to be a big boy indeed. He weighed 175 pounds, and was the sweetest, most gentle dog ever. He loved cats, and children. He was so very loyal.
When I first got him somewhere deep inside I remembered that Great Danes live a fairly short life, 10-12 years. I knew he would be leaving me one day, but he was a pup and who gives much thought to their sweet doggy dying some day?
Recently I had been thinking about that. I saw that My sweet Indy was not getting around as well as he used to. I could hear his joints creak and pop when he got up or tried to lay back down. He was starting to be in pain and suffer.
I told my wife that I think it might be time to think about having him put to sleep. I just had this strong feeling that the time was here. Where did ten years go? I made Indy an appointment for last Wednesday to be put to sleep. We took him to his appointment and had him looked over by the vet. He was indeed suffering from Arthritis and had several other problems that were only going to be more painful as time wore on. A 175 pound dog with joint pain is a sad thing.
Well, At the vet, I decided to wait for a week to make sure it was really necessary to put him to sleep. I re-scheduled his euthanasia for the following Wednesday (next week).
I woke up yesterday morning to find him unable to get up at all. I managed to get him outside somehow, but he collapsed by his water bowl and was just laying there disoriented. I think he had a stroke during the night. It was saturday, but I went to the vet to see if she could please come to mt house and put him to sleep. She said she was busy and couldn't help he.
I knew instantly what that meant. It meant that it would fall on me to keep my Indy from suffering. I went back home and made a pallet on the ground next to Indy and told him all about doggy heaven. He still recognized me but he couldn't move. I talked to him soothingly and remembered with him all the good times we had and promised him We would be together again some day and I'd take him on walks and we'd have lots of fun because there are no fences or dog catchers in Heaven. As I was talking to him and caressing his big head and floppy ears I cried.
I began to realize that he could potentially be like this all weekend. We were hoping he would pass away peacefully, but as time wore on, we saw that we needed to do something to help him...I made the most painful and heart breaking decision. With the Vet not being an option, and not knowing what else to do, I had to put him to sleep myself.
Stricken with grief and with our stomachs in knots, we somehow managed to lift him into the back of the suv. I found a beautiful spot by the river. We unloaded him and said our last goodbyes. We told him again about doggy heaven where there are no fences.
Then I took my gun and shot him. I wailed with grief and collapsed to my knees holding my good sweet big boy as the life left him and he stopped breathing. His last breath touched my arm and I saw his life leave. Away up to doggy heaven.
I know he was just a dog, but to me he was so much more than that. He truly was my best friend. I feel lost now and hope to see him again someday. We had a strong bond. He was more loyal and loving than any human I've ever encountered except for my wife...
JoinedPosts by TimeBandit
My best friend died yesterday
by TimeBandit insometimes people make special connections to animals.
sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends.
yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
A new life with my long lost brother...UPDATE
by TimeBandit inlast december i posted this joyous story about the new life i made with my long lost brother (here's a link to that story).. .
so much has changed since then.
for the absolute worst.
Last December I posted this joyous story about the new life I made with my long lost brother (Here's a link to that Story).
So much has changed since then. For the absolute worst. He turned out to be abusive and controlling. He also took advantage of us to the tune of thousands of dollars. Things became so miserable there that we had to leave or else lose our minds. We did so suddenly and without warning while he was out of town. We felt like that was the best way to avoid a very nasty confrontation and avoid anyone getting hurt.
I am really sad and distraught. My wife decided to walk out on her job so we could leave while we had the opportunity. I know that sounds desperate. We were at our wit's end or else we would never have left like that. We didn't even leave a note.
My positive attitude took a few hits over the past year, but I want to keep trying to be positive.
The story in the link above is a really naïve one. My jumping into moving in with my brother was especially naïve as well. We didn't see his true colors until it was too late. By Christmas (not long after I had posted the story from the link above) we knew we had made a terrible mistake. But by then we had no money to leave because of having spent it all moving in with him.
He had spent over a year prior to moving in with him buttering me up and convincing us to make the move to his house. Not long after we moved in they started treating my wife like dirt and trying to drive a wedge between her and I. Like I said before, it didn't take but a couple of months for us to see our folly.
This is the second time I have embraced my family with open arms, supported them financially, and been treated like total dirt in return for my efforts. First with my parents, then with my brother. And I convinced my wife to go along with it in both cases. My poor wife has been miserable and upset because of my misguided wishes to help my family and even though she still loves me and we are very close, I still feel the sting of having been mostly responsible for her misery at the hands of my parents and brother.
I never imagined that all the time, effort, money, and love I tried to put into the helping my parents and brother would have turned out with such a bitter end. -
Rich spoiled brat...
Like it or not the jury found him innocent. I have to say I did a little happy dance when I saw the headline (because I feel justice was served). Debates like this one seem to prove the old saying true : 'Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and everyone else's stinks'.
How many of you changed your thinking because of what someone here posted? Probably not too many....To me, TM was just a troubled punk who made his bed and then layed in it after GZ sang him a lullaby...
I'd like to see media coverage of crimes against whites being sensationalized by the media. Crimes like this one that got barely any news coverage and was kept ouiet until recently: -
I get so tired of people complaining about everything President Obama says or does
by booker-t infor the past 4 1/2 years i have heard everything said about president obama and now the lastest "obama being the anti-christ" just have me laughing my head off.
where do people get nonsense like this?
do they just sit around the kitchen table and say "what are we going to say next about obama and michelle?
I get so tired of people acting like Obama is a wonderful president....
This time the justice system worked...I beleive the verdict is the right one.
Why didnt Jehovah give any science or technology to the jews...
by mP inive asked a few jws and other believers why god never gave technology to his people but no one has been able to answer this.
why are his people copying the pagans.
their writing system without vowels means they couldnt even write his holy name down accurately.
Re: Why didnt Jehovah give any science or technology to the jews...
Because the bible writers lived in an era where there was no science or technology, therefore, they could not include it in their work of fiction. Apparrently there were no H.G.Wells's or Isaac Asimovs among God's chosen people. Just yes men like Moses. Seems that god wanted them good and dumb, and if they started wake up and use their free will, he'd simply open the ground and swallow them up.
I mean, shit, just look at Samson for instance. One of god's own personal henchmen had to use the jaw bone of an ass to kill all those Phillistines. No bow. No arrows. No AR-15. Not even a sword (At least Al Capone gave his henchman machine guns).That's because god has a sick sense of humor. He enjoys seeing people have to suffer. He loves to see people at a disadvantage. -
Who from JWN would you most like to have dinner with?
by laverite inif you could pick anyone from jwn to meet in real life to meet and have dinner with, who would that be?
let's exclude all those who you are already friends with, who you know and love from jwn in real life.
so or me, that excludes my friend ann and also curious butterfly.
I'd say dreamgolfer, since he lives close enough to drive to. Whaddaya say? Check your pm DG.
Black or white what Racial Discrimination have you experienced?
by usualusername ini could give you hundreds of experiences but let me kick off with the following.
i boarded a train at 4am heading to an airport a few weeks ago.
in my carriage there were at least 100 people.. .
I lived in New Mexico, USA, for 13 years. In that time my wife and I definitly experienced racial descrimination by the hispanics. Not every day mind you. But occasionally we would be in a Mexican restaurant and the hispanic staff would purposely delay just about every aspect of out service. Not because they were busy, We ruled that out because the times it happened to us the restaurant was slow as far as customers go. We're talking an establishment that is only serving a handful of people, yet it took 30 minutes to even ask what we wanted to drink. We left with an un mistakeable feeling of being descriminated against because we were white. Every race descriminates against other races.