I once knew a sister named Patricia Zoll. She was mentally ill, and had a controlling and very abusive non-JW husband. My wife and I were very understanding of her situation and tried to help her any way we could. My wife, an E.R. nurse, had even treated her in the E.R. because of being beaten with an axe handle by her husband (a real piece if shit).
It's one case in which the elders actually helped her get away from him. She went to stay with a relative. But being a co-dependent, mentally ill person she came back to her husband. After she came back, the elders and congregation totally abandoned her.
I was horrified the day a friend called to tell me she had committed suicide. Before she killed herself, I saw her one day. She was walking up the road out of town headed for the dam. I offered her a ride, but she said she was just out walking for exercise. Turns out, she was really headed there in contemplation of killing herself. Building up the stamina to walk the several miles to the dam.
They found poor Patricia in the water at the bottom of the spillway. She had continually bashed into the concrete all the way down. But the fall isn't what killed her. They found a lot of water in her lungs meaning that she actually drowned.
Her god didn't save her. Her brothers and sisters didn't save her. But I know I tried to help her. It seems that if Jehovah knows when a small bird dies, and how many hairs we have on our heads, that he would have been there for someone like her who was in so much pain and anguish that she was about kill herself. I am glad her suffering is over.
God plays hide and seek you see. He hides, and people do the seeking.