For me, it's not about ridiculing believers, or about being an atheist. After being burned so many times by the religion I escaped from, I don't want to have to deal with pushy religious types.
To many of us, believing in NO god makes more sense. Here's an illustration: It's kind of like one camp believing in a round Earth, and another camp believing in a flat one. Of course the round Earth people are going to roll their eyes at the flat Earth people, they know better because they've seen the Earth from space. Science is behind it. On the other hand, the flat Earth people are motivated by their faith in a book written during a time of scientific ignorance.
This isn't a place for people to declare their religious faith. It's a place for ex cult members to get together and connect...GodDamn, we just got out of a fucked up cult. Don't be so surprised that many of us have turned against religion and so called faith. Don't be surprised that we react the way we do.
So now you that you know many of us here don't want to be around pushy religious ideas or have them thrown in our faces, will you continue on your pulpit?