How on earth could such a profoundly failed and disappointing thing have been overcome by most JWs? The WTS led everyone to believe 75' was going to be THE END. Of course, after nothing happened they backpedaled and denied and blamed everything on the rank and file.
People sold their homes, misspent their life savings, did all kinds of misguided things because they were led by the WTS to do so. Can you imagine how devastating it must have felt for those who did so when they realized it was for nothing? And yet most stayed loyal and kept following the piper.
Even if most of the JWs at the time didn't go to extent of selling all their valuables and mis-managing their money, I bet they knew someone who did, or at least heard of it happening.
And they kept following the piper...And KEEP following the piper with each new failed hope. They are still focused on that carrot dangling in front of them. It would be interesting to see the results of IQ tests performed on people who are still chasing the carrot...