Thanks freddo, I'll fix it asap.
today was a special day.
i woke up this morning with feelings of resolve.
my wife and i girded up our loins and went out to tell others about watchtower victims memorial day...i put up memorial flyers in places where they'd be seen by many people.
Thanks freddo, I'll fix it asap.
today was a special day.
i woke up this morning with feelings of resolve.
my wife and i girded up our loins and went out to tell others about watchtower victims memorial day...i put up memorial flyers in places where they'd be seen by many people.
Today was a special day. I woke up this morning with feelings of resolve. My wife and I girded up our loins and went out to tell others about Watchtower Victims Memorial Day...
I put up memorial flyers in places where they'd be seen by many people. Like at Denny's and the McDonald's drive thru. We went all over town and put flyers on any bulletin board we could find. We drove to Walmart and my wife put lots of flyers under windshield wipers in the parking lot.
Then we stopped by the local Kingdom Hall and put a memorial wreath in front of the hall, under the KH sign. We taped a flyer to the KH sign and both posed for pictures. We had a good time doing this today. It made us feel warm inside, and we were thinking about all of you here, and all ex-jws everywhere. We thought about the innocent people who were victimized in one way or another. We also thought about all the families that have been destroyed, including my own.
I made this video about our day today, we hope you like it.
TimeBandit & NurseJane-Watchtower Victims Memorial Day
they are rounding them, i'm guessing there will be a mass execution?
one like we haven't seen in a long time i'm guessing..
The prime minister has used the word 'cleansing' in relation to them...So either they will be sprayed with disinfectant, or I'm thinking executions are coming...
this thing that was my mother.
this thing that was my mother, so withered and blackened now,.
was once so kind and loving, but things have changed somehow.. remember when you'd hold me, and soothe my childhood fears?.
I love you so much aunt Heather! You can be my new mom. I'll call you soon, I miss you.
i just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message.
i was a member there since 2010. i was really surprised.
i had just started posting there again after being away for a while.
It's all good Pali, JWR is in the rear view mirror now, just like you...Just a memory.
some internal sources in has brought me attention to the following data:.
- in which european country, not member of the eu, and well known for their banking industry, and some affiliated structures do maintain some business incorporated structures and companies?.
- which is the purpose of these business and company structures?.
I think the message of the OP was supposed to be "Don't smoke crack"...But then he smoked some crack-
i'm currently going through a bout of depression and my eating disorder has gotten worse.
ever since my parents actually told me that they are going to kick me out when i turn 18 i've felt kind of hopeless about my life.
my parents won't take me to the doctor because the psychiatrists won't have my "best interests" aka jw crap in mind, because really that's the root of all my problems.. i'm wondering if any of you guys have any advice with dealing with depression?
What about getting emancipated?
shunning is unjust because say the problem is with 2 people let's say it's fraud against another person.
now 8 million people are brought into the problem by also shunning the one person that the 8 million must also shun do you see how stupid that is..
"There would be no apostates( JW's are nuts) if there were no shunning, no attacks on
the organization from ex members.."
We'd still attack them because of the sex abuse, having been victims of mind control, because of all the free labor they tricked us into, being consummate hypocrites, being false prophets, and many other things...
There are lots of other bones to pick. Even if they did't practice shunning, they are still a collective sick puppy that needs to be put down.
the organization really has some talented people in it.
seriously talented.
artists, musicians, animators, and any other creative venue you can think of.
When they changed some of the songs a few years back, I couldn't bring myself to sing them any more. I would just stand there holding my song book and be disappointed. When I was a true blue JW, some of the songs were dear to my heart. 'Life without end at last', 'Prayer of god's servant', and a few others made me tear up when we sang them. After they changed the music and lyrics, I felt like they had betrayed all the fond memories I had had of singing them with my family. Of course, I realize now that they just another brain washing tool...
beards have been talked about a lot, especially with the recent wt article, but what about other types of non-mustache facial hair, like goatees chinbeards and soul patches?.
in my own experience i've seen a white young man with big handlebars and a soul patch run mikes, do literature and give talks not too long ago.
i saw a black older man with a sizeable soul patch as the focus of one shot in a video about an annual meeting a few years ago.