I don't think they chose the right way to go about it. They should have given us notice....
i just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message.
i was a member there since 2010. i was really surprised.
i had just started posting there again after being away for a while.
I don't think they chose the right way to go about it. They should have given us notice....
i was surfing jw recovery .com, all of the sudden a screen came up that says .
jehovah's witness recovery.
after much consideration, we have decided to move on to other things, and bring this site to a close.
I didn't see your thread when I started mine...I'll miss JWR, that's who helped me a lot during my exit....
i just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message.
i was a member there since 2010. i was really surprised.
i had just started posting there again after being away for a while.
I'm kinda' sad about it actually. But this is a great place too.
i just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message.
i was a member there since 2010. i was really surprised.
i had just started posting there again after being away for a while.
I just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message. I was a member there since 2010. I was really surprised. I had just started posting there again after being away for a while. Well, I guess the admin needed to move on Watch out for some JWR overflow...
the danger for the families?
to have their firstborn killed by jehovah, ---but teach them they will be protected by following jehovah's (gb's) instructions, even seemingly irrational.. if you do the daily text, don't pass over this opportunity.
of the irrational passover.
sometimes people make special connections to animals.
sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends.
yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
Indy and his mate Dinah. I took this about 7 years ago.
(Indy is the one on top)
sometimes people make special connections to animals.
sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends.
yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
Thanks for your condolences everyone. Heather, Thanks for that! Mrs. TimeBandit also wishes to express her thanks to you all.
sometimes people make special connections to animals.
sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends.
yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
I don't really beleive in heaven, I mean I wanted to, but I don't see how it's possible. But damn the thought of heaven was comforting to me yesterday.
sometimes people make special connections to animals.
sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends.
yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
Thank you all. @love2Bworldly: I used my .45...A shotgun would have been too messy and even more upsetting. I fired three times and I'm pretty sure the first shot hit his heart. There was very little blood so I think he pretty much died right away.
sometimes people make special connections to animals.
sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends.
yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
Sometimes people make special connections to animals. Sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends. Yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
Ten years ago, as a newlywed my wife surprised me with Indy. She knew I had always wanted a big dog. A workmate of hers raised Great Danes and my wife secretly bought a pup surprised me with it. I was overjoyed. Indy was a fawn colored Dane with a black mask. He was a sweetheart from the beginning, and very smart. We had him house broken within two weeks.
Indy and I bonded quickly. He grew up to be a big boy indeed. He weighed 175 pounds, and was the sweetest, most gentle dog ever. He loved cats, and children. He was so very loyal.
When I first got him somewhere deep inside I remembered that Great Danes live a fairly short life, 10-12 years. I knew he would be leaving me one day, but he was a pup and who gives much thought to their sweet doggy dying some day?
Recently I had been thinking about that. I saw that My sweet Indy was not getting around as well as he used to. I could hear his joints creak and pop when he got up or tried to lay back down. He was starting to be in pain and suffer.
I told my wife that I think it might be time to think about having him put to sleep. I just had this strong feeling that the time was here. Where did ten years go? I made Indy an appointment for last Wednesday to be put to sleep. We took him to his appointment and had him looked over by the vet. He was indeed suffering from Arthritis and had several other problems that were only going to be more painful as time wore on. A 175 pound dog with joint pain is a sad thing.
Well, At the vet, I decided to wait for a week to make sure it was really necessary to put him to sleep. I re-scheduled his euthanasia for the following Wednesday (next week).
I woke up yesterday morning to find him unable to get up at all. I managed to get him outside somehow, but he collapsed by his water bowl and was just laying there disoriented. I think he had a stroke during the night. It was saturday, but I went to the vet to see if she could please come to mt house and put him to sleep. She said she was busy and couldn't help he.
I knew instantly what that meant. It meant that it would fall on me to keep my Indy from suffering. I went back home and made a pallet on the ground next to Indy and told him all about doggy heaven. He still recognized me but he couldn't move. I talked to him soothingly and remembered with him all the good times we had and promised him We would be together again some day and I'd take him on walks and we'd have lots of fun because there are no fences or dog catchers in Heaven. As I was talking to him and caressing his big head and floppy ears I cried.
I began to realize that he could potentially be like this all weekend. We were hoping he would pass away peacefully, but as time wore on, we saw that we needed to do something to help him...I made the most painful and heart breaking decision. With the Vet not being an option, and not knowing what else to do, I had to put him to sleep myself.
Stricken with grief and with our stomachs in knots, we somehow managed to lift him into the back of the suv. I found a beautiful spot by the river. We unloaded him and said our last goodbyes. We told him again about doggy heaven where there are no fences.
Then I took my gun and shot him. I wailed with grief and collapsed to my knees holding my good sweet big boy as the life left him and he stopped breathing. His last breath touched my arm and I saw his life leave. Away up to doggy heaven.
I know he was just a dog, but to me he was so much more than that. He truly was my best friend. I feel lost now and hope to see him again someday. We had a strong bond. He was more loyal and loving than any human I've ever encountered except for my wife...