Hey there funchback. I never had any children with anyone. I consider myself fortunate in that regard. I probably wouldn't have made a good dad anyway. Hard enough to keep myself on the right track, you know?
i was born in 1970. .
growing up, i was raised by a man i proudly call father.
he showed me he loved me.
Hey there funchback. I never had any children with anyone. I consider myself fortunate in that regard. I probably wouldn't have made a good dad anyway. Hard enough to keep myself on the right track, you know?
i was born in 1970. .
growing up, i was raised by a man i proudly call father.
he showed me he loved me.
I wish I had had the father you do. Well written...
i'm wondering why believers remain members of this forum which is clearly hostile to believers.
as one member said, nonbelievers pounce on any semblance of belief like piranhas on prey.
as former jws we should have had our fill of judgmental know-it-alls, but here we are.
I don't think a lot of exjws are necessarily expecting to run into a lot of ribbing from fellow non believers concerning their continued belief in god. They join because they need help and understanding, which they get.
My aunt who is one of us still has feelings of spirituality of sorts. I totally respect that. I however, have no feelings of spiritualness. I did, but I felt a sudden, clearcut severance and abandonment. I really felt connected spiritually, and often had tearful heartfelt prayers. One time I recall being outside at night. I was looking up at the stars and wondering what was happening to me. I lost my composure and fell to my knees with tears of sorrow running down my cheeks. I Looked up at the starry sky and realized it was gone. I don't know how to describe it. It was an actual feeling of something cutting a cord and suddenly I felt totally cut off. I was an active and true blue JW at the time. Totally faithful to god. That's why I was so puzzled and shocked when I lost my seeming spiritual connection...
Wow, I really got into it there...Tangent city. LOL.
warning of a long boring post ahead.
i feel like i need to vent my story out, as i feel quite helpless at the moment.. i'm 31 year old, married, father of toddler with another one on the way, due later this month.
i've been serving as elder for about 4 years now in a south florida congregation.
Hey there Sanchy. I have said before that there were elders I've known were true blue good people. In my own experience, they were a rare breed. I have nothing but respect for you and those like you.
Please accept my warm hello, and keep us posted with how things are going.
message from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
I think Fugue would make a really good recovery site proprietor. I wish that could happen. I appreciate his willingness to try and buy the database. Could it be that Rifter had deleted it? Is that why he won't pass the baton? Could be.
Doesn't matter now I suppose. Thank you Fugue.
message from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
Well, I was upset about this on a few different levels. However, I do not intend to be 'Vexatious" as Mickey said. I was just reacting to the shock of it all.
I do regret saying what I did to DS. So my apologies to him. The things I said about Rifter, I still feel that way. He chose poorly.
For those who spoke about our feelings as if we should just get over it (Tallulah, this is for you honey) that will happen shortly. But the F bombs and your angry post do not invalidate my feelings and reactions to what happened.
I think that I posted some helpful and supportive things during my time at JWR. Maybe I was "vexatious" a time or three, but I was deeply hurt by being disowned by the parents, my brother dying, and dealing with related issues that took their toll. I'm over most of those issues now.
Just a couple of days before the big cutoff, I had started posting there again and was thoughtful, and welcomed new ones, and offered my support and wanted to be of help. That is who I am deep down. That is who I intend to be here. I've already said what I needed to say out of shock and dismay. I think it was the 'get over it' attitude I saw in Tallulah's post that set me off again.We will 'get over it', in our own time.
Meantime, we should be focusing on adjusting to the new forum, it's ins and outs, and trying to continue our journey here. Thanks again to Simon for all his (and other's) hard work.
message from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
I guess groupies gonna group....
message from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
Damn Tallulah, I bet you could fry an egg on your head right now. I think you know what it's like to be cut off from people you care about.
Who do you think you are talking to us like that? No need to be angry at those of us who have reacted negatively about the sudden closing of JWR. They knew we would be upset about it. Don't freak out on us. If you keep doing it I'm going to go make some popcorn. What's been going on since they cut us off goes with the territory.
P.S. "put yourself back in Rifter's shoes"..................Screw Rifter's shoes.
in catholic dominated countries many people are named after the messiah jesus , are their any that are named after his god jehovah / or yahweh ?
anywhere in the world ?.
i have only come across one , in america of all places.. his name was yahweh ben yahweh , and i don`t think he would be used as an example by the wt society.. google him.. has their been anybody else ?
Here in the American Southwest, there are a lot of Hispanic men with the name Jesus (pronounced Hay-zoose). When I encounter them, sometimes I like to say "Hey Jesus (pronounced Jee-Zuss) How's it hangin' ?"
We got a fella named Jesus that works in the local hardware store. Nice guy. I wonder how many people named after deities get the calling to serve the deity they are named after?
i created this thread so that jwr members can list their old jwr username with their username for whatever site they've moved to.
i apologize if this has already been created somewhere else.. jwr = starrynight.
jwd = starrynight9.