WARNING: Trigger potential
I have tried so hard to keep quiet, to quit these boards but arrogant &^&@#$ force my hand.
This man stuck his finger inside his daughters vagina. The elders then insisted that she sit in front of three men and her father and explain how deep his fingers went inside her.
Men of conscience resigned as elders over how the Society dealt with her situation. But nooo according to you it isn't true.
You are the one twisting facts. And yes I do know the facts. This girl was abused. Her mother was not told to report it and the Society told the elders not to report. Later on another body of elders also investigated and failed to follow the law and subjected her to another mental rape during said investigation.
The Society is culpable for the added mental strain and re-raping of this girl while she was a teen not to mention the interference they played in preventing the initial abuse from being investigated by trained secular authorities.
I am glad to hear you are free of the trap called Watchtower but your defense herein makes any such departure rather hollow. If you did indeed know all the facts, you would not be defending the Society in this matter. It sounds more like you have a personal beef with this girl. Be that as it may, a personality dispute is not grounds for denying that abuse took place as you have done here.
Edited by - Kismet on 4 September 2002 3:24:3